Horses on the Moors 

Please read the attached note from Courtney O'Connor regarding the horses on the Moors at Lanehead. If you could all please take note as we really do not want a repeat of the awful events of a year ago. They give a really good insight to how Feral Horses act and allows you to understand a bit more about their behaviour. Thanks

Note from Sunday 16/10/22

Today we will be releasing 6 yearling fillys onto the moor to be reintroduced to the mares. (First time they would of seen there mums in 12 month) This may cause some disruption for a day or two on the moor. Also the yearlings are curiously and friendly. If they  follow any riders or walkers please do not shout at them and shoo them away. If left alone they will walk away. They are just curious and will cause no harm as they are still babies. 

Note from Saturday 15/10/22

Just a quick update for our neighbour's and locals, regarding the horses on the moor.

Please can we be extremely mindful over the next couple of weeks. The foals have now been weaned of there mums and the yearling will be re-introduced to the moor tomorrow morning after 12 months away. This will mean the mares will spend more time on the cobbled road and surrounding areas.

We can't stress enough you drive slow and with caution. We don't want a re-enactment of last years events were we had a mare hit by a car.
