26th Annual North American Dendroecological Fieldweek (NADEF)

Center for Sustainable Forestry, Pack Forest, Eatonville, WA


Introductory: Christine Biermann (University of Washington) and Maegen Rochner (University of Tennessee)

  • Development of an Extended Mountain Hemlock Chronology for Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, USA

Dendroclimatology: Bryan Black (University of Texas, Marine Science Institute)

  • A 450-Year Reconstruction of Pacific Decadal Variability

Forest Ecosystem Dynamics: Margot Kaye (Penn State University) and Jim Speer (Indiana State University)

  • Stand Dynamics and Carbon in an Old-growth Stand

Disturbance Ecology/Treeline Dynamics: Aquila Flower (Western Washington University)

  • Muscling into Meadows: recent conifer encroachment in Mount Rainier’s subalpine meadows

Dendrohydrology: Grant Harley (University of Southern Mississippi) and Stockton Maxwell (Radford University)

  • Cowlitz River Flow Variability Since 1550 CE Reconstructed from Tree Rings
NADEF 2016 Final Report.pdf