Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Bullying, Harassment, and Sexual Harassment Policy

The Dendrochronology Field School (DFS) is committed to providing a safe environment where the dignity of every individual is respected and therefore has a zero tolerance approach to bullying, harassment, and sexual harassment (herein referred to as harassment). DFS will actively endeavor to eliminate bullying and harassment of all kinds and will not tolerate bullying or harassment of any kind, whether it is by the organizers, instructors, participants, workshop hosts, or any other affiliations with the organization in the course of its operations.

As part of its commitment to an environment that is free of bullying and harassment, DFS organizers will ensure that this policy is strictly enforced and that there are avenues in which anyone can freely report any breach of this policy with the utmost respect, dignity, and confidentiality to the accuser. The organizers of DFS will investigate complaints or allegations and address them accordingly (see Consequences of Breaching Policy below). If there are concerns regarding an organizer of DFS, reports may be made to a board member of the Tree-Ring Society, an independent organization that will keep the accuser’s name confidential in reporting this to all organizers not associated with the accusation.


To provide a safe environment that is free from all forms of bullying and harassment.


The purpose of these procedures is to facilitate DFS' commitment to an environment that is free of bullying and harassment by providing a framework for the informal and formal management of bullying and harassment incidents, issues, and complaints.


These procedures apply where a bullying or harassment incident occurs at a DFS event, meeting, or any other activity in which the DFS is associated.

Procedures and information are provided for:

Bullying, Harassment, and Sexual Harassment Behavior

Bullying is unreasonable behavior directed towards a person or group of people that creates a risk to health and safety. Bullying is repeated behavior that makes another person feel intimidated, stressed, or unsafe and may be direct or indirect.

(a) Direct bullying behavior includes:

(b) Indirect bullying behaviors includes:

When determining whether particular behaviors constitute bullying, consideration will be given to whether:

(c) Reasonable and respectful direction or guidance is not bullying. Behavior that is not bullying includes:


Harassment is behavior that causes concern or distress to an individual who perceives that the behavior directed towards them is unwelcome, unjust, or unfair. Harassment may be a single incident or a series of incidents and includes behavior that is discriminatory, offensive, abusive, belittling, humiliating, threatening or intimidating.

Harassment may be an abuse of real power or perceived power to explicitly or implicitly gain favors or to threaten disadvantage. Such perceptions of disadvantage may include lack of collegial acceptance, educational opportunities, or loss of employment or career opportunities.

Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is any form of unwelcome sexual attention or conduct that is perceived by the recipient to be offensive, humiliating or intimidating and that occurs in any instance in a DFS environment or work-related activity and/or event.

Sexual harassment may be written, verbal or physical and includes:

In addition, the above types of behavior that can be witnessed by others can cause a hostile environment and will not be tolerated.


Violence is any incident where an individual is threatened or physically attacked in an environment which is sponsored or affiliated with DFS. Within this definition:

Violence of any sort is serious misconduct and will be reported to the authorities.

The offender means no harm

The intention or motive in allegations of bullying or harassment of any kind is not relevant when determining whether the behavior was unwelcome. Bullying and harassment focuses on how the conduct was perceived and experienced rather than the intention behind it.

Maintaining a bullying- and harassment-free environment

All DFS organizers, instructors, and affiliates have a responsibility to help maintain an environment that is free of all forms of bullying and harassment. This responsibility includes:

(a) complying with the DFS Code of Conduct that provides a framework for treating all individuals with dignity and respect.

(b) being familiar with the DFS policies and procedures on bullying and harassment

(c) proactively supporting initiatives that are designed to raise awareness of policies, procedures, and issues related to bullying or harassment, including an annual review of this policy and discussion to reinforce the importance of this policy

(d) encouraging any person who has concerns about possible bullying or harassment to read DFS' policy and procedures

(e) acting promptly where behavior that could constitute bullying or harassment has been observed, e.g., advising the person(s) involved that the behavior could give offence and to cease immediately

(f) where a situation of alleged bullying or harassment has occurred, to respect the rights of both complainant and respondent in line with natural justice and procedural fairness. This includes refraining from starting or engaging in gossip about the situation or the individual who may be involved.

(g) refraining from victimization of any person associated with a complaint

Consequences of breaching this policy

Where it is found that behavior constituting a breach of the DFS bullying and harassment policy has occurred, immediate action will be taken. Such action includes, but is not restricted to, dismissal from roles of organizer, instructor, participant, and collaborator, including leaving a DFS event. Any behavior that breaches this policy may be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency if warranted. 

Understanding the procedures and options

Procedures for resolution of bullying, harassment and sexual harassment issues have been fully described in this document. It is important to be aware of anonymity constraints before proceeding to discuss an incident with a DFS organizer or instructor. Unlawful activities may require the DFS organizer or instructor to report the activity to law enforcement.