1st Annual North American Dendroecological Fieldweek, 1990

Pinkham Notch, New Hampshire, USA

Full Report


Charles Gogbill (Dartmouth College)

  • Forest History in Spruce-Fir Forest - PAPER

Edward Cook (LDEO, Columbia University)

  • Reconstructing Past Beaver Activity Using Tree-Ring Analysis - PAPER

Gordon Jacoby (LDEO, Columbia University)

  • Using Tree-Ring Analysis to Date Major Flood Events in the Saco and Culter-Ellis Rivers - PAPER

Paul Krusic, USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station

  • Soil Erosion and Tree Root Response Along Hiking Trails in the White Mountains - PAPER

David LeBlanc, Butler University

  • Analysis of Growth of Young Red Spruce on Mt. Washington, New Hampshire - PAPER

Richard Phipps, US Geological Survey

  • Long-Term Growth Trends in High Altitude Red Spruce, Mt. Washington, New Hampshire - PAPER