Dastan-E-Amir Hamza.



Our first week at the School of Environment and Architecture (S.E.A) began in a very peculiar way ,we were introduced to a book by Ghalib Lakhnavi famously known by the name ‘Hamzanama’ or ‘Dastan-E-Amir Hamza’ which describes the fabled feats of Amir Hamza, an uncle of Prophet Muhammad.

We were asked to read a chapter from this book and after reading and reflecting upon the text ,we were supposed to express the emotions and experiences which one feels or goes through while reading the text through mediums like charcoal and masking sheets.

Later, we were divided into groups of 4 and now we had to perform the same exercise but with excerpts chosen by the faculty. This time we had more freedom in terms of mediums ,we could express what we felt through small scale conceptual models as well. It was interesting to see how one excerpt in the context of emotions and experiences is interpreted in 4 unique ways by 4 individuals.

Week 2:

Human scale installations which tried to replicate the experience and emotions we felt during our readings in the first week.

Installation photograph-1

Installation photograph-2

Using applications like photoshop we tried to show emotions and experiences we intended one should go through while walking through our installation.

Installation photograph-1(Conceptual)

Installation photograph-2(Conceptual)

Team members: Samkit, Nishadh, Parth K., Kaumudi.