Shrine Construction(Text)

What is the purpose of this shrine (structure)?

- It has some very clear purposes and some very vague ones,

One could say,it wants to lead the observers/visitors in a specific way,to certain conclusions

and wants them to feel particular feelings intentionally, it might also make the observer

sense something in an unintentional manner, depending on the observer’s vision.

One of its major purposes is to create a cultural highlight of the present culture in the village.

An intention to remind the observer of the existence of the old culture, which still exists

,being overlapped by the current culture, due to historic background.

It should create a retrospective in the minds of the villagers by creating questions like

“What is their current culture?” , “Why is it the way it is?”.

Observers, who will visit the place,the ones which don’t have any connection with the village or

the sea, should also feel a cultural curiosity towards the village and the sea and it should also

make them question their own respective current cultures and create a cultural nostalgia

It should have a glimpse of the lifestyle of the village and should showcase local craftsmanship

One of it’s major purposes, is to lead observers to create a relationship with the sea,

One should be able to grasp it’s resourcefulness, One should feel a sense of hope.