Form And Movement.


Week1:Geometry as a subject is fascinating and it is truly surprising sometimes when it appears outside textbooks/Math books in nature.

This module was about looking at these geometries in nature along with other important factors like movements and joineries which make these natural mechanisms work.

There was particular emphasis on observing insects and the various physical as well as behavioural qualities they possess and what qualities one as an observer finds fascinating in a good or bad sense.

For example: The merciless and cunning nature of the praying mantis.

I chose praying mantis as the insect I would like to study and explore using drawing as a medium.

Week2:After drawing maybe 2 sheets it was realised that this insect or the quality which strikes my mind as an individual can be explored in a better way through ‘Origami’.

Origami is a traditional Japanese art of folding paper into attractive shapes to make decorative objects.

And so I practised Origami.

Week3:This is the point where a thought came across my mind that what if a humanoid can be constructed using the logic of Origami and then I came across ‘Gundam’.

“A Gundam is an advanced high performance mobile suit, often constructed to be much more powerful than the standard production mobile suits” ~Google.

Week4: Construction of an Origami Gundam.

It required at least 40 A0 sheets and to construct any one unit/part of the Gundam it required 4 sheets of A0.

Following traditional Origami rules the use of adhesives and scissors or cutting tools was avoided unless it was absolutely necessary.

The Gundam is assembled using 11 units in total which are divided in to 3 groups namely the Torso, Arms and Lower body.

ARMS: Bicep, Femur, Hand.

TORSO: Torso, Chest plate, Head,Shoulder.

GROIN: Groin, Legs, Feet.

Each group can be created separately.