Set Up


I created a video to show how I organize BLE for my family. Enjoy!

SEPTEMBER 6, 2020:

For those of you considering starting BLE, I want to give you my last 14-day journey. I'm doing this with my husband, 23-year-old son, and 11-year-old son.

I have to say BEFORE BLE, every night around 5 I would start wondering what to make for dinner. I would mentally shut down and veg on the couch for a few hours, and then just throw together something. Usually, just defrost and eat meals. Absolute garbage food.

I read the book and it clicked. I went shopping on Saturday and bought enough food to last us through the week. 20 oz of veggies per person X 6 days. 12 oz of fruits per person X 6 days. I bought another scale so we would have 2 scales.

I stocked up on multiple proteins, so people could pick what they wanted. I had eggs, hard-boiled 12 of them, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, frozen gluten-free meatballs, and tuna.

I sorted out my pantry into each category of Breakfast Grain, Protein, Fruits, Veggies, Fats. I marked them all with labels.

I gave away, to hungry missionaries, almost all of the non-BLE foods. I had a pretty good food storage. 48 boxes of cereal, 5 bags of freezer foods. Funny, they went into a 9-day quarantine the day I dropped off the food. So they were so happy to have food for the next 9 days. It always works out.

I printed out the lists of what we could eat and color-coded them. I stuck them on my kitchen cupboard.

And off we went. It's been 14 days. No looking back. No fear. No regrets. I no longer worry about dinners. I have foods we can eat and that's what we eat.

We are doing 10 oz veggies for lunch and dinner. We found 14 oz was too much at dinner. Day 1 we ate all raw veggies. Beginner mistake. Now we eat both raw and cooked, roasted, or air fried. Hubby and I cook together.

My 11-year-old is eating like he's on maintenance, as he doesn't have weight to lose.

The rest of us:

Hubby released 10 pounds

23 year old son released 7 pounds

I've released 5 pounds

11 year old released 2 pounds

BUT the most important thing for me. I have no more after meal fog. No more lethargic stooper. I had a mini-stroke a little over 2 years ago and haven't been able to write, which is what I love. For the past three days, I've been writing, back to my stories. I love what BLE has given back to me. Thank you!

Before BLE. I had lots of Not My Food. LOTS. I donated all of it to local missionaries serving in the area.

Bright Line Eating set up.

All cubbies labeled for:

  1. Breakfast Grains

  2. Protein

  3. Vegetables

  4. Fruits

  5. Fats

My 11-year old son has his cubbies for his own food.

My first try with the charts. I eventually separated to have a Mens and Womens side for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. These hang in my kitchen on my cupboard doors with gem clips.

GOING BANANAS! This is my latest bulk banana purchase. I get a HUGE bag for only $.99 of slightly brown bananas. I put them into freezer bags of 12 oz. each. I triple most of the recipes for all the BLEaters in the house.

The nice thing about using frozen bananas is that they defrost to a watery, mushy mess, which is GREAT for recipes.

The peels are headed to our composter!


For the 100 DAY CHART:

I'm a visual learner. So I created this BLE 100 Days Chart. As with when my kids went on missions, just having the numbers 1-100 didn't work for me. So I use dates.

If you would like your own, just click on the link below.

  1. REPLACE THE DATE IN THE GREEN BOX. Click on it and select the correct start date. It will auto-populate the rest of the fields.

  2. The sheet will then be yours. No one else will be able to see it or have access to it. You can change it to be my BLE Next 100 Days when you finish with the first. ENJOY!

NOTE: You will have to be logged in to your google account. If you don't have a google account, sorry!