History of sport in Belarus

First Сompetitions

The first time Belarusians took part in the Olympic Games was in 1952 as a part of the Soviet Union. The three-time Olympic champion in wrestling Alexander Medved, the four-time Olympic champion in artistic gymnasics Olga Korbut and the four-time Olympic champion in fencing Yelena Belova, the five-time Olympic champion Nelly Kim, the six-time Olympic champion Vitaly Sherba and many others are now part of the Olympic history.

Belarusian Competitions

The first independent Belarusian Olympic team took part in  the Olympic Games in 1994, in Lillehammer winning two silver medals.

 Alexei Grishin became the first gold medalist of Belarus. He won at the Winter Olympic Games In 2010.

The 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi were the most successful games in the history of Belarusian sport. Belarusian athletes won 5 gold medals and 1 bronze medal.