My Belarus

A man without a Motherland is like a Nightingale without a song.


Pictures beloved of my ______   ________

You are my gladness, my pain

What can it be lures my heart o bounty?

What binds me so with its chain …

I hear the ripe harvest in glad conversation,

The quiet complaint of the leas,

The happy drone of tall woods’ murmuration,

The song of the mighty oak-trees...

Yakub Kolas

At the Crossroads of Europe

Do you know of a young independent country with more than a thousand-year history that is situated in the centre of Europe? That is Belarus, a country that is rightly reffered to as the heart of Europe.

Key facts about the website

This website is created and designed by the students of the 11th form Zasulye School: Egor Ammer, Anastasia Zhitko, Pavel Makas, Irina Poleshchuk and the teacher of English Larisa Vladimirovna Chabai. 

The website is aimed to provide the key information about Belarus and includes: Homepage, History of Belarus, Architecture of Belarus, National Reserves of Belarus, Sporty Belarus, Famous People of Belarus.

Song "I love Belarus" (minus)