Famous people  of Belarus

 Francysk Skaryna                  

 Francysk Skaryna is the first Belarusian printer. Being the first Belarusian printer, he translated into Belarusian and published 23 books of the Bible, the first one — in 1517. Skaryna dedicated all his life to the publication of the biblical texts. His main objective was to make the Bible more available to the ordinary people so he rewrote it in an easy language. Francysk Skaryna was born in Polotsk in 1486. The Museum of printing is located in this ancient belarusian city which obviously should be investigated by all the tourists in Belarus. 

Euphrosyne of Polatsk

Euphrosyne of Polatsk is the first woman enlightener. 

Saint Euphrosyne of Polatsk is considered the patron saint of Belarus, who became a nun at the age of 12 and devoted her life to helping the poor and building churches and monasteries across Belarus. Euphrosyne of Polotsk was born between 1101 and 1104 in the family of Prince Svyatoslav-Georgy, second son of Vseslav the Sorcerer.

In secret, the princess took the veil and the new name of Euphrosyne.

Reverend Euphrosyne founded a convent and a friary, which became centres of enlightenment in the Polotsk principality. She contributed to the rebuilding of the Sofia Cathedral and the work on the Polotsk chronicles. A cross Euphrosyne had made bearing her name. It is a unique masterpiece of the ancient Belarusian applied art.

Euphrosyne also composed music, and is regarded as the first Belarusian art patron. Under her direction and using her money, the Saviour Church was built in the 1150s. It is the finest example of the Polotsk architectural school. 

The calming influence of this woman of faith also helped to heal the historical enmity between the Polotsk and Kiev principalities. Late in her life Euphrosyne of Polotsk went to Jerusalem on a pilgrimage. During the trip she fell ill and died in 1173.

She was buried in a monastery not far from Jerusalem. In 1187 her relics were transported to the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, and in 1910 moved again to Polotsk, where they are now.

Zhores Alferov 

Zhores Alferov  is the nobelite from Belarus.

This great physicist and nobelite was born in Vitebsk. He founded International Foundation for Support of Education and Science and invested a third of the Nobel Prize in it.The results of Alferov's research formed the basis for a huge amount of new scientific and technical trends. Some of them are being developed under his scientific guidance in industry institutes. Zhores didn’t cut the connection with his motherland, where he spent his childhood and began to study science.

Sofya Kovalevskaya 

Sofya Kovalevskaya is the world-famous mathematician. The world's first female professor of mathematics with Belarusian roots. Her childhood was spent in the Palibino estate of the Vitebsk province. Young Sophia wanted to study her favorite science at the university, but the rules of that time did not allow a woman to get a higher education. At the age of 18 the girl got married with a young scientist Kovalevsky.Then a fictitious marriage grew into a real family, and Ms. Kovalevskaya became a world-famous mathematician (her works are devoted to mathematical analysis, mechanics and astronomy).

Marc Chagall 

 Marc Chagall is a  famous artist from Belarus. One of the most famous people of Belarus and particularly Vitebsk, a talented painter and graphic artist, vivid representative of the artistic avant-garde of the 20th century, who conquered the world with his unique style.The author's style combines expression and unconventional artistic style and was formed of cubism and fauvism. Chagall’s famous paintings — “To My Betrothed”, “I and the Village” - are exhibited in galleries around the world. 

Pyotr Klimuk 

Pyotr Klimuk is the first Belarusian cosmonaut, a resercher in technical sciences, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Doctor of Engineering Science, member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics, Academician of the International Academy of Astronautics. He was unanimously elected Honarary Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus at the general meeting of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on 16 November 2017.

Alexandr Medved

Alexandr Medved is an outstanding Belarusian sporstman and trainer in freestyle wrestiling, a three-time Olympic Champion and a seven-time World Champion, the winner of the special UNESCO Prize for sports nobility. He was recognised as the best freestyle wrestler of the XX century.