A rhythm is any sequence of rhythmic values of notes or rests. 

The next figure shows the short example of a rhythm. When writing a rhythm, the staff with only one line is used.

Figure: The example of a rhythm


Although rhythmic values define only relative and not absolute durations, this is enough for playing any rhythm in any chosen speed. For this, only two things are required: a steady pulse like one we can provide by tapping a finger on a table and the decision which rhythmic value will correspond to one tap. How fast the tapping is and which rhythmic value corresponds to one tap determine how relative durations will be translated into absolute durations. 

The next figure demonstrates how we can play the rhythm from the previous figure. At the bottom of the figure, we see a steady pulse. Each finger tap is shown as an event in time. Since the pulse must be steady, all finger tap events are equally distant in time. This distance is arbitrary chosen to be one second.

Also, the rhythmic value of one beat is arbitrary chosen to be one quarter note. This is shown in the figure with the quarter notes placed above the taps. Now, we can easily align the rhythm with the pulse, according to the rhythmic values. This is shown in the figure, together with the start and end event of each note. If we are tapping the finger on the table and spiking along, for instance saying “taaa” from the beginning to the end of each note, then we are playing the rhythm.

Figure: Playing the example of a rhythm