Business Proposal

What Does it Mean to Be an Entrepreneur?

Start With an Idea

Planning & Budgeting

Small Business Planning and Strategy

Create Your Proposal & Writing a Plan

How to Write a Business Plan

7 Elements of a Business Plan:

  1. Executive Summary: Also known as an elevator pitch, this is your opportunity to share what makes your business different. Tell a little about the entrepreneurs, the mission, and the inspiration for the business.

  2. Business Description: While you will hint at this in the previous section, here you will be more specific about your business ideas. In this section, answer the following questions:

  • Where are you located (is this business online, mobile, or in a physical location)?

  • What product or service will you sell?

  • Who is your target audience? Who will you sell to?

  • What is your projected growth? How big do you plan to get?

  • What potential opportunities/partners do you have?

  1. Market Analysis: In this section, you need to figure out who your competitors are, and what makes you different. You also need to describe your target market and why you think they want/need what you are selling.

  2. Organization & Management Structure: What employees/staff will you need. How will the chain of command be organized, meaning, who will report to whom?

  3. Sales Strategies: How will you advertise this business? How much are you charging for your product? How will your price point compare to competitors, if there are any? What ideas will you use to try to promote this product and how much will these strategies cost?

  4. Funding: How much money will you need to start? Where will you get this from?

  5. Financial Projections: How much money do you expect to make and by when?

Include a 3-5 year timeline as a visual component to your plan. In your timeline, show when you will hire staff, when you will need money, when you expect to be ready for business, when you expect to make money, when you will advertise, and your projected growth.

Business Proposal

Business Proposal Template


Creating YOur Timeline

Use Adobe Spark to create a professional timeline