Independent Reading

Three Reasons to Read: 

“Reading can even relax your body by lowering your heart rate and easing the tension in your muscles. A 2009 study at the University of Sussex found that reading can reduce stress by up to 68%.” (source:

"In one study conducted in 2013...brain scans showed that throughout the reading period and for days afterward, brain connectivity increased"  (source:

In a study conducted in Spain, "The average marks of pupils who read books rose by 0.22 points overall, which is the equivalent of 3 months’ worth of additional secondary school academic growth."  (source:

Accessing Library Books 


How to Check YOuR Library Record

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How to Leave a Review in Destiny Discover:

How to Leave a Review For a Book

Did you enjoy a book you read? Hated it? Leave a detailed review for other students to see! 

Open Library - Ebooks & Audio Books

If you are looking for a book that we don't have, or enjoy eBooks/audio books click on the free resource below: 

Reading LoG

Reading Log

SSR COnversation Starters

Talking about what we're reading is a great way to connect with others and to deepen our critical thinking. Use these standards-based questions to discuss a variety of elements in the books you are reading. A great activity to do as a small group or in a class circle!  Ideas: Choose a single question to prepare for as you read, or draw one at random. 

Characters & Setting (RL 9-10.3/RL 11-12.3)

Theme/Central Ideas (RL 9-10.2/RL 11-12.2)

Citing Textual Evidence (RL 9-10.1/RL 11-12.1)

Author Choices (structure/lanugage) (RL 9-10.5/RL 11-12.5)

A Few of Our Favorite Things

These are some of the books staff members have read and loved! 

Mrs. Antonopoulos

Grown & Scythe

Mrs. Hernandez

Sanctuary & A Girl Like That

Mrs. Mitzel

My Sister's Keeper

Mr. Zhen


Ms. Carter Salazar

David Copperfield

Ms. McGreevy

Tuck Everlasting

Ms. Doss

The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles & Atlas Shrugged

Ms. Blanchard

The Lightning Thief

Ms. Houston

Miss Peregrine's House for Peculiar Children

Mr. Yanos

Nicki Minaj: The Woman Who Stole the World

Ms. Chan & Mr. Strack

Forrest Gump & Ultra Marathon Man

Mr. Jinks 

The Complete Malazan Book of the Fallen