Place- Kumbharwada, Rajapeth, Amravati. 

In the past, Amravati is limited only to the four gates Amba, Nagpuri, Jawahar, and Kolhapuri gates, and the rest which is now become a city were considered as a jungle. 

Amravati was said to be under Nizams and Bhosales. The settlement which I studied was the Kumbharwada, it is a long stretch settlement. Amravati had a freshwater canal that flowed to the famous Ambadevi temple via Fezarpura, Bhuteshwar, Gandhi chowk(now).

 The houses in the settlement are ground storey along with the Bhuteshwar drain.

After entering into the settlement, a few houses belong to the Kumbhar community people, moving forward then there are some houses with domestic help and also doing some household works and the few people belong to the Adivasi community towards the end.

While communicating with all communities people's, I heard something interesting from the people who belong to the Kumbhar community. They came near Bhuteshwar Nala and started settling here in groups.  The Kumbhar is originally the migrants to the settlement as they first settled in the Kumbharwada that takes us back to the fort via Amba Gate. 

Historically Kumbhars in Amravati started to settle in Purana Kumbharwada which takes us back in the fort through Amba Gate near the very ancient Amba Devi temple.

There is a complete settlement of renovated houses of Kumbhars and it is called the Kumbharwada road.

Kumbharwada, near Rajapeth, Amravati.

They have settled here some 45-50 years back due to various issues be it the competitive nature among the own community or family disputes. The old Kumbharwada more than 120-140 years in Amba Gate is now facing renovation and a few Kumbhars have inactive their practice.

Street of Kumbharwada


This settlement has settled here 45-50 years back. This settlement was mainly known as a Rural settlement. Due to some family issues and the competitive nature among their own community there, the family got disputes so some Kumbhar community people shifted their home and workspace to this settlement.

In this settlement, the houses are very close to each other. All the houses have their own wash area and most of the people use a public toilet. Houses in this cluster are ground stored except one which is a two-storey house all belonging to Kumbhars. They have large open spaces next to the two-storey house which is their workspace. All the other houses have 1-2 rooms which are their kitchen, workspace, living, and sleeping area.

Axonometry of the Settlement.


In this settlement, most of the houses are made up of tin roofs specifically the Kumbhar community people in this settlement live in tin roof houses. They fix the tin roof using cloth or nut bolt and they also place some wood logs or big stones on the roof so they themselves protect them from heavy rainfall and form the heavy wind.

 another variety of houses in this settlement is that the walls of the houses are of bricks which are cladded using mud and there is tin roof shade.

In the whole settlement, there is only one house which is a frame structure house and this house belongs to one of the Kumbhar.