Unit 4

Adding & Subtracting Fractions

Unit 4: Build fractions from unit fractions by applying and extending previous understandings of operations on whole numbers.

MGSE4.NF.3a (Understand addition/subtraction of fractions)

K1: I can explain how fractions accumulate. (1⁄4 + 1⁄4 + 1⁄4 accumulates to 3⁄4)

K2: I can explain how fractions are put together (composed or joined) which results in addition.

K3: I can explain how fractions are broken down (decomposed or separated) which results in subtraction.

R1: I can use fraction models to reason that addition of fractions is joining parts that are referring to the same whole.

R2: I can use fraction models and explain that subtraction of fractions is separating parts that are referring to the same whole.

MGSE4.NF.3b (Decompose fractions)

K1: I can add fractions with like denominators.

K2: I can subtract fractions with like denominators.

K3: I can recognize multiple representations of one whole using fractions with the same denominator.

R1: I can use visual fraction models to break down a fraction into the sum of fractions with the same denominator. (3/8 = 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8)

R2: I can write the equation that shows the breakdown of fractions, build a visual fraction model to match and explain the equation.

MGSE4.NF.3c (Add and subtract mixed numbers)

K1: I can add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators using the following strategies: 1) properties of operations or 2) relationship between addition and subtraction.

K2: I can replace mixed numbers with equivalent fractions, using visual fractions.

K3: I can replace improper fractions with equivalent fractions using visual fraction models.

R1: I can add and subtract mixed numbers by replacing each mixed number with an equivalent fraction.

MGSE4.NF.3d (Word problems with addition and subtraction)

K1: I can add and subtract fractions with like denominators.

R1: I can solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions by using visual fraction models and equations.

MGSE4.NF.4a (Understand a/b is a multiple of 1/b)

K1: I can write a fraction as a multiple (5/4 is an accumulation of five 1/4s; 5/4 = 5 x (1/4) ).

K2: I can explain that fractions are built from unit fractions using the meaning of fractions and the meaning of multiplication to multiply a fraction by a whole number.

R1: I can compare multiplication of whole numbers to multiplication of fractions by a whole number.

MGSE4.NF.4b (Multiply a fraction by a whole number)

R1: I can explain that a multiple of a fraction is a multiple of the unit fraction using visual fraction model (4/5 is a multiple of 1/5).

R2: I can multiply a fraction by a whole number using the idea that a/b is a multiple of 1/b.

MGSE4.NF.4c (Word problems multiplying fractions and whole numbers)

K1: I can multiply a fraction by a whole number.

R1: I can solve word problems by multiplying fractions by a whole number.

Represent and interpret data.

MGSE4.MD.4 (line plots)

K1: I can add and subtract fractions.

R1: I can analyze and interpret a line plot to solve addition and subtraction problems of fractions.

P1: I can create a line plot to display a data involving measurements of fractions of a unit.

Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems.

MGSE4.OA.3 (Multistep word problems with all operations)

K1: I can divide whole numbers with and without remainders.

R1: I can write equations to represent multi-step word problems using variables to represent unknown quantities.

R2: I can interpret multi-step word problems (with and without remainders) and choose the correct operation to solve.

R3: I can determine whether my answer is reasonable using mental math, estimation strategies, and rounding.