
Persuasive Paper

Instructions: To show your mastery of persuasive writing, you will compose a two page paper. You must pick a topic, research to find experts/supporting statistics and studies/articles/applicable evidence, and write a clear claim supported by warrants and impacts.

Your final product will be composed of three separate documents, stapled together, these are the...

  1. Title page
  2. Persuasive paper
  3. Works cited page

Title Page Format: Your title page should be a separate document featuring

  1. Title (18 point font): Should be a persuasive statement, like "Stop Drunk Driving".
  2. Subtitle (12 point font): Should inform the reader what you will be discussing, like "How Drunk Driving Destroys Lives and Families".
  3. Your name (12 point font)
  4. Class name and period (12 point font)
  5. Name of the teacher (12 point font)
  6. Date the paper is due (12 point font)
Cover Page Example

Paper Format:Your paper should follow MLA format to receive full credit.

  1. Your paper should be organized into five, or more, paragraphs.
    • Introduction featuring: A hook, claim/thesis, list of warrants
    • Three, or more, body paragraphs featuring: Transition statement, related warrants which support the claim, impact statements to explain your warrant's importance.
    • Conclusion featuring: Transition statement, restated claim/thesis, restated warrants, call to action AND/OR final thought.
  2. 1/2 inch margins.
  3. Times New Roman or Arial, 11 or 12 point font.
  4. The paper should be 1.5 or double spaced.
  5. The paper CAN NOT be more than two pages to receive full credit.

Formal Persuasive Paper Rules:

  • I/you pronoun statements are permitted.
  • Focus on evidence and NOT opinion or speculation.
  • Quote minimally. Quotes can be powerful evidence, but make sure that the majority of your paper is your writing.
  • Write any number below 100 out as a word.
  • Cite your sources. Either give credit in the statement, for example: "Mr. Jasper states in his biography,'...'", or give credit after your statement in parentheses, for example "'...therefore corgis are the best of all dog breeds.' (Jasper, page 3)"
Textual Evidence is BOSS!

Partner Lesson:

Textual Evidence Is Boss

Persuasive Essay Examples
Writing an Introduction
Writing a Conclusion

Works Cited Format: Your works cited page should have each source you have used for this paper cited in proper MLA formatting, consider using Easybib or Citation Machine to cite those sources correctly.

  1. Title your page "Works Cited"
  2. Format your citations like the following example. Do not number your sources, simply use a hanging indent and a space between each source.
Works Cited Example
Persuasive Rubric