13 Colonies

Big Idea:

Patterns of oppression and resistance repeat.

Presentation #3: English Colonies of North America
Presentation #4: Great Awakening & American Culture

Essential Question #6

Describe the relationship between indigenous peoples and English colonists.

Essential Question #7

Describe the pattern of religious oppression and dissent which began in Europe, and would continue in North American Colonies.

Essential Question #8

How would the Middle and Southern colonies differ from those established in the North?

To write an answer to the question, examine a point of relative comparison between the three groups and explain how each differed and/or was similar to the other(s); you may consider one of the following points of comparison:

  • Regional environment: Climate, resources, economic activities

  • Founding principals

  • Treatment of Native Peoples

  • The issue of enslaved Africans

  • Religious identity

Essential Question #9

Connect political developments in Europe to political thought in American Colonies.

Choose one political development in Europe and connect it directly to politics in America.

Essential Question #10

What were the main effects of the Great Awakening on North American colonies?

Study Guide: Colonies + Road To Rev

Study Guide #2

A study guide for the unit 2 test.

Common Sense Response

Primary Source: Common Sense

Read the selected section of Common Sense and make some observations.

Comparison Chart: North, Middle, and South Colonies

Comparision Chart: Colonies

Analyze the differences between the colonies.