
Mini Unit

Big Idea

Individuals can change history.

Unit Questions:

  • How do successful militaries adapt to challenges?
  • How does mobility change a battlefield?
  • What traits are necessary for an empire's continuing success?

Unit Vocabulary:

  • Steppe
  • Stirrups
  • Khan
  • Khanate

  • Gobi Desert
  • Great Wall of China
  • Buddhism
  • Shaman
Rise of Mongolia
Mongol Expansion

Unit Project:

The Mongols are a complicated group. Some historians see them as barely civilized savages: conquering and destroying dozens of civilizations and millions of people. Other researchers see them as an unusually progressive civilization: empowering women, respecting the religions and cultures of the conquered, and encouraging globalization.

Research the Mongols and decide for yourself:

Were the Mongols historical heroes or villains?

Step one: Research the Mongols. Locate one video or podcast to listen to and one or more respectable website to reference.

Turn in by: History Padlet. Try to find at least one new reference material.

Step two: Review what your class found. Read and listen to reference materials. Decide on the best sources and using them, write a persuasive response to the prompt.

Assignment Rubric:

Mini Persusive Rubric

Important Links: