Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja

  • Vprašanje: Zakaj poudarjate, naj v šole prihajajo le terapevtski psi? Tudi nekateri drugi psi (reševalni, pomočniki invalidov, tekmovalni) so šolani in socializirani.
  • Odgovor: Razlogov je več. Zaenkrat v Sloveniji (podobno velja v drugih državah) nimamo posebnega usposabljanja za pse, ki delujejo v vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanovah. Menimo, da je samoumevno, da mora pes pred vstopom v šolo, vrtec, zavod... ustrezati določenim merilom. Delovanje terapevtskih psov je najbližje temu, kar od psa pričakujemo tudi v specifičnih okoliščinah v šoli, vrtcu itd. Proces usposabljanja terapevtskega psa in njegovega vodnika obema zagotovi veliko potrebnih znanj. Tako se pes sreča z različnimi situacijami, ki so podobne tistim v šolah. Njegov vodnik se nauči natančno opazovati telesno govorico svojega pasjega prijatelja, še posebej prepoznavati miritvene in svarilne znake. Spozna vedenje svojega psa v različnih situacijah in se prepriča, da druženje z otroki za psa ne bo prevelika obremenitev. Usposabljanje vodijo kinološki strokovnjaki, veterinar, izkušeni vodniki terapevtskih psov in strokovni delavci (učitelji, vzgojitelji in drugi, ki imajo izkušnjo dela ob terapevtskem psu). In nenazadnje - terapevtski pes redno opravlja predpisane veterinarske preglede. Vse to pomembno zmanjšuje možnost neljubih dogodkov, ki jih pri druženju otrok s psom ne moremo v celoti zključiti. Zahteva, naj bo pes terapevtski, je tako rezultat številnih pogovorov, poglobljenega razmisleka in tehtnih argumentov.

  • Vprašanje: Ali lahko v okviru mreže deluje pasji mladiček?
  • Odgovor: To žal ni mogoče. Društva terapevtskih psov postavljajo pogoj, da mora biti pes ob začetku usposabljanja odrasel (vsaj fizično). Društva tako večinoma kot spodnjo mejo postavljajo starost enega leta. Pred tem torej pes tudi v šolah ne more delovati v okviru Mreže Šolski pes. Vendar kuža hitro zraste - zainteresiranim priporočamo, da se v prvem letu pasjega življenja res intenzivno, ljubeče in načrtno ukvarjajo z mladičkom, potem pa začnejo z usposabljanjem.

  • Vprašanje: Do katere starosti lahko pes deluje v okviru Mreže Šolski pes?
  • Odgovor: Enoznačnega odgovora na to vprašanje ni. Nekateri psi se postarajo hitreje, nekaterim leta prizanašajo. Starejšemu psu delo prilagodimo, da je nekoliko manj aktivno. Vodnik psa svojega pasjega prijatelja najbolje pozna. Ko opazi, da psu delo ni več v veselje, da ga utruja, da kaže znake nelagodja, ga "upokoji" - kuža seveda ostaja hišni ljubljenec. Z mnenjem pomaga tudi veterinar, ki redno pregleduje vsakega terapevtskega psa.

  • Vprašanje: Delo s psom v šoli je za psa naporno. Kako zagotovite, da obremenitev za psa ni prevelika?
  • Odgovor: Naj odgovor začnemo z dejstvom, da smo vodniki terapevstkih psov praviloma zelo skrbni, saj imamo svoje pse iskreno, srčno radi. Zato v sodelovanju z vodstvom šole že vnaprej skrbno zagotovimo osnovne pogoje za delo. Med samim delom smo nenehno ob psu, pozorno spremljamo njegovo vedenje in mu omogočimo potreben počitek, izhode na prosto itd. Več preberite v zavihku Pogoji vključevanja.

  • Vprašanje: Ali mora imeti pes opravljen izpit iz poslušnosti?
  • Odgovor: Terapevtski pes mora biti poslušen. Večina društev terapevtskih psov zahteva, da ima pes opravljen vsaj izpit A, še bolje BBH izpit. Torej to velja tudi za šolskega psa.

  • Vprašanje: Ali je za šolskega psa pomembno, katere pasme je? Mora imeti rodovnik? Mora biti steriliziran/kastriran?
  • Odgovor: Pes je lahko poljubne pasme, rodovnik ni potreben, kuža je lahko mešanec. Sterilizacija psičke/kastracija psa ni pogoj. Pomembno pa je, da je pes primernega značaja - umirjen, zanesljiv, potrpežljiv, naklonjen otrokom in neznanim ljudem. Tudi to urejajo pravilniki društev terapevtskih psov.

  • Vprašanje: Kakšne stroške prinaša ustanovi članstvo v Mreži Šolski pes?
  • Odgovor: Članstvo v Mreži neposredno ni povezano z nobenimi stroški.

  • Vprašanje: Kje lahko v živo vidim, kako poteka delo s šolskim psom?
  • Odgovor: Vodniki, ki že delujemo v Mreži, večinoma brez težav sprejmemo obisk. Ta mora biti seveda predmet vnaprejšnjega dogovora. Pišite nam, pa se dogovorimo!

  • Vprašanje: Ali šolski psi delujejo tudi v okviru programa R.E.A.D.?
  • Odgovor: Vsekakor, saj je kar nekaj šolskih psov in njihovih vodnikov pridobilo licenco R.E.A.D. (Reading Education Assistance Dogs) pri ameriškem društvu Intermountain Therapy Animals. Tudi izkušnje v Sloveniji kažejo, da sodelovanje s kužkom močno spodbuja bralno pismenost otrok. Otrok, ki bere psu, se umiri, otrese se se strahu in negotovosti, saj se mu kuža ne posmehuje, ga ne kritizira in mu kaže svojo naklonjenost. Dejavnosti v povezavi z branjem pa niso omejene zgolj na pse z R.E.A.D. licenco.

Frequently asked questions

  • Question: Why are only therapy dogs welcomed in schools? Other service dogs (rescue dogs, disabled assistance dogs, dogs in competitive sports) are also trained and socialized.
  • Answer: There are many reasons. Currently there exists no special training for the dogs who work in educational institutions in Slovenia (similarly so in other countries). We believe it goes without saying that a dog has to undergo a certain training and meet certain requirements before entering a school, a nursery, an institute. The work of therapy dogs comes closest to what is expected from a dog in educational institutions. The training process for a therapy dog and their handler provides both with specific knowledge, which enables them to react and work in situations similar to the ones in schools. The handler learns to observe thoroughly their dog's body language, especially the warning signs. The handler also becomes familiar with their dog's behavior in various situations and can ascertain the company of children will not be too big of a burden for the dog. The training is done by canine experts, veterinarians, experienced therapy dog trainers and school professionals (teachers, preschool teachers and others experienced with therapy dog work), which is of utmost importance. Last but not least, a therapy dog is required to take regular mandatory veterinarian check-ups. Everything mentioned diminishes the risk of unwanted incidents, which cannot be completely excluded when children are involved. Thus, the requirement that only therapy dogs are welcomed in schools is the result of numerous discussions, thorough reflection and cogent arguments.

  • Question: Can a puppy participate and work within the Network?
  • Answer: Unfortunately, puppies cannot work as school dogs. The dog must be an adult dog at the start of the training. The age limit set by the therapy dog associations is at least one year of age. Before one year of age the dog cannot work within the School Dog Network at schools. As a puppy grows up quickly, we recommend anyone who is interested in joining the Network to initially invest plenty of quality time into the dog's life during the first year and before the start of the training.

  • Question: What is the upper age limit for a dog to participate within the School Dog Network?
  • Answer: There is no simple or straightforward answer to this question. Some dogs grow older sooner, others later. The work for an older dog is always adjusted so as to be less demanding. The dog handler knows their dog the best, accordingly the decision to retire the dog is theirs. The dog will of course remain a pet. A proper time to retire a dog is when the work no longer brings pleasure and is too tiring or when signs of discomfort are clearly visible. A veterinarian who performs regular check-ups of the dog can also state their opinion on the matter.

  • Question: Working in school is strenuous for the dog. How do you ensure the workload does not affect the dog negatively?
  • Answer: Let us first state that we, the therapy dog handlers, are always very attentive as we wholeheartedly love our dogs. For this reason we ensure suitable conditions for the work in advance and in agreement with the administration. During the work we are constantly by our dog's side attentively monitoring its behavior, enabling the necessary rest, walks, etc. You can read more in the Conditions of the Participation tab.

  • Question: Is the dog required to have the Obedience Training Certificate?
  • Answer: A therapy dog must show obedience. Most therapy dog association require a dog to pass at least an A examination, more desirable is a BBH examination, which applies to the school dog as well.

  • Question: Is the breed an important factor for the school dog? Does the dog need to be purebred? Is spaying and neutering necessary for the school dog?
  • Answer: The dog can be of any breed, also the dog can be purebred or of mixed breed. Spaying and neutering is not one of the conditions for participation. What is essential is the dog's character, meaning the dog must be calm, trustworthy, patient, fond of children and strangers. Different regulations of the Therapy Dog Associations establish these requirements.

  • Question: What are the costs the School Dog Network membership brings to an institution?
  • Answer: The membership does not bring any extra costs directly.

  • Question: Where can I see the work with a school dog in progress?
  • Answer: All the handlers who actively participate in the School Dog Network are always willing to accept visitors, whose visit must be scheduled in advance. Write to us to set the visit date.

  • Question: Do school dogs participate in the R.E.A.D. (Reading Education Assistance Dogs) program?
  • Answer: They most certainly do as many school dogs and their handlers have obtained the R.E.A.D. licence with the American society Intermountain Therapy Animals. Experience has shown that working with a school dog encourages reading literacy in children in Slovenia as well. When children read to a dog, they calm down, overcome fear and insecurity as the dog will not mock the child and will not criticise the child but will show its affection. Also, the reading activities are not limited merely to the dogs with a R.E.A.D. licence.