Pristopna izjava

Ustanova se lahko pridruži Mreži Šolski pes, tako da izpolni priloženo pristopno izjavo in skenirano pošlje na naslov, original pa posreduje v skladu z dogovorom. S podpisom pristopne izjave ravnatelj ustanove jamči, da ustanova, pes in vodnik psa izpolnjujejo vse pogoje vključevanja in se obvezuje, da bo morebitne spremembe takoj sporočil koordinatorjem mreže.

Članstvo v Mreži Šolski pes je za ustanove brezplačno.

Participation statement

An institution can join the School Dog Network by sending a scanned participation statement to the email whereas the original statement is sent as arranged. By signing the statement, the administration guarantees that the institution, the dog and the dog handler meet all the requirements of the Conditions of Participation and obliges to notify the Network coordinators of any changes promptly.

The membership of the School Dog Network is free of charge for the institutions.