Pogoji za vodnika psa

Je usposobljen vodnik terapevtskega psa z dokazilom.

  • Je aktiven član enega od društev za terapijo s pomočjo psov/živali.
  • Zanesljivo, varno in naklonjeno vodi svojega psa, skrbi za njegove potrebe in dobro počutje.
  • Pri delu s psom uporablja izključno pozitivno motivacijo.
  • Prepoznava in upošteva pasjo telesno govorico, še posebej miritvene in stresne signale.
  • Sledi novostim in se stalno izobražuje na področju dela s terapevtskimi psi.

Skrbi za varno druženje otrok s psom.

  • Je dobronameren, naklonjen učencem.
  • Z učenci spretno komunicira, upošteva morebitne zadržke, omejitve in strahove.
  • Učence opozarja na pasjo telesno govorico, še posebej na miritvene in stresne signale.

Upošteva dogovore z vodstvom šole in z učiteljem.

  • Skupaj z učiteljem načrtuje, izvede in evalvira dejavnosti s psom.
  • Spoštuje zaupnost podatkov o učencih.

The Conditions of Participation for the Dog Handler

The handler is a certified therapy dog handler.

  • The handler is an active member of one of the therapy dog/animal organizations/association.
  • The handler is a reliable and affectionate dog owner and parent, who ensures the dog's safety and takes care of the dog's needs and well-being.
  • Positive motivation is a must when working with the dog.
  • The handler is able to understand and read the dog's body language, especially the dog warning signs.
  • The handler follows the development and completes constant trainings in therapy dog work.

The handler ensures the safety of children when working with the therapy dog.

  • The handler exhibits good intentions and affection towards the students.
  • The handler is skilled in communication with students, takes into account any restraints, limitations or fears on their part.
  • The handler instructs and warns students of the dog's body language, especially the dog warning signs.

The dog handler, the teacher and the administration reach mutual agreements and follow them.

  • Both the teacher and the dog handler plan, perform and evaluate the activities done with the school dog.
  • The dog handler respects student date privacy.