Team Outreach

 Within our team, we consider outreach to be one of the main aspects and priorities of robotics. We intend to spread STEM within and outside our community in different ways to inspire those of all ages. These outreach events not only include doing STEAM-related activities but uplifting the community through donations, and events. Throughout the year we have had various outreach events such as FTC Coach Workshops, FTC Middle School Workshops, First Lego League Robocom 9.0, and International STEM events. We currently have about 292 hours of outreach completed and 1,000+ followers on all social media combined.


Host more international outreach events

Conduct 300 hours of outreach

Establish more partnerships within the community

Expand social media influence

Influence the younger generation to join FIRST Robotics

We plan to achieve these goals by collaborating with more organizations, creating a greater social media presence, and participating in all possible events to share STEM with our community. 



Zoom Meetings

Community Organizations

Southwest Hindu Temple

Boys and Girls Club

Girl Scouts


Synergi Bridge Camp


Father-Son Conference

MHS Library

Winter Fair

Middle School Tours

Weekly Stem Facts

Camp Ace


El Paso Children's Hospital

Thanksgiving Drive

Kickball Charity Tournament

Feminine Hygiene Product Donation

Community Events

The Outlet Shoppes at El Paso

National Night Out


St. Marks Kermes

Robocom 9.0 and FLL Championship


El Paso Electric Meeting

Xavier Zapien

Indy-Autonomous Racing

TEA Meeting

News & SISD Interview