FIRST Tech Challenge


5470 Rambotics

Team 5470, also known as Montwood Rambotics, was the first established El Paso and Montwood robotics team in 2011. Over the next ten years, 5470 has grown to be the well-oiled machine it is today. As our team grew, so did our numbers, and in 2012, our sister team, 5911, was born to allow more members to have hands-on experience. As Montwood Robotics grew in popularity, so did our demand for a female team to encourage and inspire females in STEM. In 2015, 5470 became our first all-female team. Although short-lived, 5470’s initiative was successful. In 3 years, we had 3-4  females in Montwood Robotics to 12-13. In 2018 the all-female team was disbanded to meet the demands of a growing organization and model real-world experiences. With a strong female presence in robotics, we now felt it was vital that we start to learn to collaborate regardless of gender, as we will face in our future careers. We encourage young females to join our robotics team through our outreach events. Our team consists of six freshmen, seven sophomores, one junior, and five seniors this year.


5911 Mean Green Machine 

Team 5911, Mean Green Machine, was founded in 2012. Over the years the team has grown into a well-oiled machine capable of competing at the top level in regional and state competitions. Even though the members have not been the same throughout the years, we have made an effort to maintain all the knowledge and experience gained alive through mentorship between veteran and rookie members. There has been 10 iterations of team 5911, each improving upon the last with newer, better robot designs, computer algorithms, documentation, and outreach events. Our efforts to maintain our team alive and making improvements have been fruitful, resulting in multiple awards. We are proudest of our performance at the 2020 West Texas Regional, where we were awarded the Inspire Award, qualifying us for the 2020 FIRST Worlds Festival and our 2022 UIL 6A Championship performance, where we were a part of the finalist alliance together with teams 9527 Rogue Resistance and 6210 ViperBots Stryke.


14913 Ram Jam

Team 14913, otherwise known as Ram Jam, is a recently founded team in 2018, and this year it is mainly comprised of new members with little to no experience. Montwood Robotics has an overwhelming number of members which brought about the necessity of creating a third team, but it is also due to the past successes of our two already existing teams that we have the confidence and competence to build a new team from the ground up. With the aid of returning members from 5911 and 5470, as well as several returning members placed on 14913, we have a strong foundation upon which we can work off and have the opportunity to seek the counsel of past creations and more experienced members whenever we become lost or confused. Despite these useful opportunities for help, we aim to rely on our competence, individuality, and ingenuity more than anything else. Like any other team we will face obstacles, roadblocks, and momentary disheartening dead-ends, however, with the guidance of our sister teams as well as our drive to succeed and persevere, we aim to forge a path and make a name for ourselves in the world that is FTC.