Montwood Robotics

Welcome to the Montwood Robotics Home Page!

 "Excellence, Not Mediocrity"

Montwood Robotics started in 2011 as one of the first FTC teams in El Paso. In the past 11 years, we have grown into one of the largest robotics organizations in El Paso, consistently having over 50 members every year. This year, for the first time, we will be the only competing FRC team from an El Paso public high school. 

FTC challenges teams to design, build, program, and operate robots to compete in head-to-head matches. Students develop STEM skills, engineering principles, hard work, and teamwork throughout the season. Robots are created from reusable parts and coded with Java-based programming. 

FRC combines the excitement of sports with the rigors of science and technology. In FRC, high school students are given six weeks to design, fabricate, build, and program industrial-size robots to play a difficult "game" that changes every year against other like-minded teams. 

We intend to spread STEM within and outside our community in different ways to inspire those of all ages. These outreach events not only include doing STEAM-related activities but uplifting the community through donations, and events.

CAD is a crucial part to the building process, our teams use it to help them fasten the building process to allow us to see what we want to build. 

Throughout our teams' history, we've gotten many small and large awards.

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