Library Policies

Message to Parents and Students

It is important that both students and their families understand the responsibility you have with regard to our school library and textbook policies for home circulation. The school's library and textbook collections are designed to help nurture a love of reading and improve each student's academic ability. At the start of the year, parents are required to sign a consent form acknowledging the responsibilities associated with library and textbooks and agreeing to the consequences if any of our materials are damaged or not returned. We want the library to be a special place for every student, but that means that the books, materials, and furniture must be treated with respect.

Behavior Expectations

It is a privilege to use the library and its materials. Students are to adhere to all school and library rules when in the space.

  • Food and drinks other than water are NEVER allowed in the library or computer labs.

  • Students must have a pass from their teacher to use the library during class.

  • An ID card is required to check out library books during class. Students without ID cards can check out books during library hours outside of class time.

  • Students will be asked to leave the library if they refuse to follow the library rules.

Library Circulation Policies

  • Students can check out 3 library books at one time.

  • The check-out period is 3 weeks (15 school days) and may be renewed as many times as the student prefers, as long as no one else has requested the book.

  • If a student has lost and/or overdue library books, they are not allowed to check out any new books until those books are returned or a fine for a lost or damaged book is paid.

  • We do not charge late fees, but we do encourage students to return their books in a timely manner.

  • Students are responsible for all materials that are checked out in his or her name.

Fines and Fees

  • A student cannot check out any new library books if they have overdue items or lost library book fees.

  • All lost and damaged items must be paid for before a student can check out a new book.

  • When a student pays a fine, he or she will receive a signed receipt showing the current account balance. Any damaged books paid for by the student will be returned to the student to use at their discretion.

  • If a lost book is paid for and then found, a payment will be refunded once the book is returned.

  • No overdue fees are charged.

  • Any outstanding debts are transferred to students' school account and may delay the release of students' transcripts, diploma, or ID card.

Overdue Notices

Overdue notices are emailed to students every Monday and the English teachers every two weeks. The library distributes individual notices to students every month. It is the student's responsibility to make sure every book is turned in or renewed on time.