MKUDESA officials gifitng a copy of 1st issue Magazine to MKU vice-chancellor prof. Deogratius Jaganyi.




The MKUDESA annual dental camp held on the 21st of February 2023 at the CT grounds from 9am to 4pm was a great success for the association. The event marked the climax of oral health week where we had sensitization of students and stuff on matters concerning dental. This was done online by sending daily posters on tips to maintain good oral health and also OH concerns. Association partnered with Colgate Foundation and Pine Dental consultants for the event.

The Colgate Foundation provided the association with five boxes of CPR 25ml,each box containing 100 pieces. Pine Dental Consultants provided the association with extraction tools, filling materials, and two dental consultants to facilitate the procedures. The association covered expenses on the lidocaine, steriliser, cotton wool, gauze and the participant’s snacks.

We had 24 volunteer participants from the department. 4 of which were clinicians, 6 of which were checkup officers,4 of which were clerks and 10 of which were mobilizers/ushers. All MKUDESA officials were on grounds distributed to the various posts for supervision and accountability.

The event kicked off at 9am with a steady flow of patients in the morning hours, which gradually propelled to large numbers at around noon. By the end of the event, we had attended to 220 patients (both stuff and students ).The statistics of the event was as follows:

General data of patients - 220

Patients referred to the clinic - 30

No. of extractions -21

No. of fillings - 9

Referred due to diagnosed complications- 10

The above statistics was accumulated by the help of the clerks and officials of MKUDESA. We are really grateful as an association for the great gesture from the school allowing us to use the CT grounds as our venue and the clinic for the procedures. Lots of appreciation to our partners for supporting us during the event.

We are not forgetting the efforts of our department right from the HOD to our esteemed patron. They have shown great concerns in our projects and as the dental association we are way beyond grateful.


The event as planned took place on the 25th of January 2024 from 2:00 pm at the indoor games hall. The meeting was started off with a word of prayer from David Kirimi at 2:10. The master of ceremony Mr. Valerian Orege called on the chairperson Mr. Mohammed Abdullahi to give a welcoming speech and to invite the patron to welcome the guest speakers to the platform.

The invited speakers were;

    Dr. Obaigwa Maronga- scope of practice in the dental field

      O.H.O Chrispine Mutune: career progression and recent advancement in Oral health

 Mr. Satinder Bansal- career progression in dental technology and recent advancement in dental technology.

 Mr. Peter Mitugo - Attachment placement and ethics in attachment areas

After the end of the career talk the guest left at their own pleasure and members were served with refreshments. The dental contest was started at 4:00 pm and was chaired by the oversight committee. At around 5:00 pm the winnners were announced and given gifts. The meeting came to an end at 5:30 after a prayer from one of the members.

The event was a success despite the venue being inadequate to accommodate all the members, some who had to stay outside during the event



This activity was organized to celebrate the world oral health day which is marked on 20th March every year, The event took place at Otto Hoffman children’s home which houses 70 children.

 The aim of the organizing the outreach was to give back to the community as well promote oral health awareness amongst the students. The event was themed “ sharing a heart of compassion”,

 our desire was to put a smile on the face of the children’s through interacting with them on various aspect. It was extremely heartwarming when the dental students’ took ownership of the initiative and provided their support in terms of money, clothing, foot ware and other accessories. 

45 members of the association went to the place to represent the larger dental fraternity. The money that was collected from the students, lecturers and MKUDESA associates were used to purchase food stuff, non-food stuff and other personal effects. Some cash was handed to the their coordinator to assist in purchasing any other thing the children might be in need of. The children were take through the right teeth brushing technique which was demonstrated to them by Ann Makena, this would help them in ensuring they take good care of their oral health. Other activities undertake included outdoor games such as foot ball, team building activities and helping them with splitting their cooking logs 


This was the first ever dental research competition to be held in the university. The event was themed

 “ A generation of researchers, critical thinkers and innovators” 

The main purpose of the dental contest was to ignite the spirit of research and critical thinking among dental students due to acknowledgement of the prime role of research in coming up with solution to various health problems. In addition research also helps to broaden the knowledge of an individual due to discovery of new helpful information that would add to their knowledge of dentistry

 The competition was carried out in two rounds as indicated below; Level one-A research topics (based on each level of study) were given to all the interested participants from both oral health and dental technology and were given a period of one week to do research and thereafter present their written findings for evaluation by the lecturers. 12 students qualified for the 2nd round of the competition. Level two– This was the 2nd and final round of the competition which was held physically on 27th February 2023 where all the participant did an oral presentation of their research finding.

 The audience were given opportunity to cross examine the contestants before determination of winners by the judges. The winners in each category (1st, 2nd &3rd year) were awarded. All the 12 participants who made it to the final round were awarded with certificates of participation. 


T his was the first dental camp organized by the association, the camp was held on 14th October 2023 to climax the oral health awareness campaign that ended on 13th October. The event took place at chancellors towers ground within the university vicinity. The event was themed “Take charge of your oral health” The purpose of organizing the dental camp was to impart the MKU fraternity ( students, teaching and non-teaching staff) with knowledge concerning oral health. Some of the activities that were undertaken included free dental check-up, free consultation and basic dental procedures such as extraction.

 People who required advanced procedures such as root canal treatment, filling, masking, scaling etc. that could not be performed at the camp was referred to Sunset dental clinic. In order to realize full objective and sole purpose of the dental camp, the association partnered with Sunset dental clinic. The post camp analysis that was done showed that many people who were screened presented with the following dental problem: exposed dentine due to erosion of the enamel, carious teeth, plague, mild and severe fluorosis, impacted 3rd molar, pericoronitis, inflamed gums and teeth malocclusion. The executive committee did not leave the work unfinished because our aim was not just to diagnose the problem but to help find solve the problem, therefore the association entered into an agreement with sunset dental clinic to reduce the cost of all advanced procedures for the referred patient by a half for the next 2 weeks after the dental camp. 


“ my anterior teeth had severe fluorosis and therefore upon check-up masking was recommended for my case alongside full mouth scaling. In total I was supposed to pay Ksh 8500 to facilitate my treatment, but due to the partnership of MKUDESA and sunset dental clinic I only paid Ksh 4500 for all the services. Am happy I was among the beneficiary of this noble partnership that sought to help people in the society affordably access dental services” 

Jackson– MKU student 


The AGM was organized on 15th September 2022 at the Indoor Arena. The main purpose of organizing the AGM was to create an avenue where students and lecturers would have an interactive session of addressing issues of concern affecting the Students The event was attended by lecturers, executive committee members and the dental students. 

The chief guest was the head of department Mr. Lawrence Mbogo who delivered his speech addressing various issues that the department was putting in place to solve the various challenges students were experiencing. These included hiring a specialist in restorative dentistry, setting up of new dental clinic to used by oral health students for their practical sessions.

 Various committees including the secretariat, treasury, organizing and media committee submitted their report which were read to the members present. The chairperson gave a speech on the progress and the long term plan of the association.

 The vice-chairperson took the stage thereafter and urged the students to find pride in the association and register themselves as members so that together we can grow the association. 


Acknowledging the importance of empowering each other, MKUDESA through its executive has organized a series of mentorship programme for newly admitted student after their admission to the university. So far four mentorship programme have been done as listed below.

The idea of mentorship hub was founded on the following pillars; career guidance, support, coaching, advice, motivation and engagement

Career understanding

One of the objective of mentorship program was to have an avenue where the students could be explained to clearly what dental technology and oral health courses entailed and their scope of practice in the filed of dentistry at large. This was after noting that many students admitted into the respective courses could not clearly define what course involved raising uncertainty and confusion amongst themselves.

This helped to clear any misunderstanding the students might had and ensure their mind is set right before starting their classes.

support corner

One of the objective of mentorship program was to have an avenue where the students could be explained to clearly what dental technology and oral health courses entailed and their scope of practice in the filed of dentistry at large. This was after noting that many students admitted into the respective courses could not clearly define what course involved raising uncertainty and confusion amongst themselves.

This helped to clear any misunderstanding the students might had and ensure their mind is set right before starting their classes. Apart from career guidance, the students are normally taken through how to create MKU student E-mail, the technical team are always ready to intervene in case where a students have trouble with the process. The students are also taken through how to register and confirm the units online via students’ portal. The students are taken through the objectives of the association and encouraged to register as members. They are also taken through the structure of university examination as well as do’s and don'ts during exam period. The importance of study groups is also emphasized. 


A come together game night was organized on 23rd September 2023. The main purpose of organizing the event was create an avenue where dental students’ can meet and interact with each other while having fun therefore, enhancing social interaction. The indoor games that were played encompassed board games such as chess, monopoly, scrabble, snakes and ladder. Other games were card, Jenga and Play station.

“Play is not just about having fun but about taking risk, experimenting and testing boundaries”


Acknowledging the prime role of mental health in general well-being of a person and the challenges that students’ face that are triggering factors of mental disorders, MKUDESA organized the awareness campaign during the month of May which marks the world mental health awareness month. The awareness was carried out in the digital space such as whats-up groups, instagram and twitter. Various mental health related infographs were shared. The campaign was carried out every Friday throughout the month. 




Oral hygiene month is marked worldwide every year in the month of October. in order to mark the thematic event, the association organized a two weeks oral health awareness campaign that was carried out from 1st to 13th October.

The campaign was carried out in the digital space via various MKUDESA social media platforms which includes instagram, twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp groups. Infographics, posters and dental related articles were used to spread the message. The awareness was founded on three key pillars of community health services which includes prevention of diseases, promotion of oral health and prolongation of life, in order to achieve the three key objectives, various stakeholders which includes an individual, family and community needs to be engaged and be part of the entire process

The purpose of the oral health campaign was to create awareness among the three key stakeholders on importance of oral hygiene through adopting simple practices such as tooth brushing, flossing, regular dental check-up, infrequent snacking and seeking early treatment upon diagnosis with any dental condition. This was in line with the mission of the association “ improving dental services in the society”.

The various key issues that were addressed included various oral diseases, risk factors to various oral disease, preventive measures and various treatment option for the oral diseases and dental conditions. The campaign turned out to be of so much of impact due to feedback and intense enquiries done by the public concerning the information posters and infographs that were being circulated.


World oral health is celebrated every year on 20th March. The thematic event aims to empower people with knowledge, tools and confidence to secure good oral health.

To mark the 2022 world oral health day the ministry of health (oral health) unit organized an outreach program at Baraka children’s home in Kayole Nairobi.

Following an invite, MKUDESA sent 10 representatives to join the team from ministry of health.

The chief guest of the event was Madam Mary Nalyenya from the ministry of health.

The main partners of ministry of health was Colget Palmolive company that donated tooth paste and tooth brushes that were given to the children to ensure they maintain good oral hygiene through regular teeth brushing. The children were also given dental floss courtesy of MKUDESA. The main issue addressed was importance of maintaining good oral hygiene and prioritizing the oral health as well as adopting positive oral health seeking behavior. The children were taught the right teeth brushing technique as well as how to use a dental floss.

The event was themed



Before officially commencing operation of the association, a launching ceremony which would officially introduce the association to all the dental students was organized. The Patron Mr Joseph Kangogo was at hand to officially start off the ceremony. Many dignitaries were in attendance including chief COHO of Kenya, vice

Chairperson KDTA, secretary general KDTA, MKUSA secretary general, KePSA vice chairperson. The key note speakers included Mr James Mwangi, Mr Benard Irungu, Mr Paul Kiilu, Mr Mwangi ( Head of Dental Department KNTRH) and all the dignitaries present.

The chief guest f the day was Mr Fredrick Ngeno ( Chief COHO of Kenya), who delivered his speech covering various areas stressing on

the importance of having an association. Message of goodwill from the vice-chancellor of the university prof. Deogratius Jaganyi was sent via the official email of the association. Also on board were the dental students across the board including the weekend students’.

Acknowledging the supremacy of almighty God, a representative from the university Christian union invited to dedicate the association to God before commencing its operation. 

The official corporate sponsor of MKUDESA Launch was Coca-Cola company. To ensure every attendee of the launch quench their thirst and enjoy every bit of the launch, the company provided with soft drinks and water which were received by the executive Chairperson.