Poem by; Micah Otieno ( The Poet) "strolling Poetic life A  3rd yr student pursuing bachelor of science in Dental Technology


Let me sprinkle,
A deep science affection
From our very acquaintance
I've become an obsessed folly
Got myself a new ally
This science that pierces  my heart out
Cuts deep through my veins
My joy with ignition, sparks
This science to be my daily grind
I for sure find delight

Its uniqueness is blatantly clear
Through its aura of transformation
Which bred my passion
One second,  you are toothless
The next you are grinning
And hard meals vigorously grinding
Today there's a cavity
Tomorrow, no evidence
Make an older look younger
Crooked teeth well aligned
From unbearable toothache to comfort

It is a science that defines emotions
Whether to laugh
With confidence in your breath
or close mouth
In disguise of unexplainable Odour
Smile to the camera
To array to the universe
Teeth well disposed or feel insecure
For being rather misaligned
I'm pleased being part of the change
Proud Dental practitioner


By: Njoki Caleb Munene A 4th yr student persuing bachelor of science in Oral Health

"From campus dream to uncharted realities"

On December 18th, in 2019's embrace,
A day that shaped my journey's trace.
From high school days, back to study once more,
An eager undergrad, destiny to explore.

With excitement and hope, I entered the gate,
Campus life awaited, a clean slate.
Promised freedom, mobiles in hand,
To shape our generation, a noble stand.

Far from home, we found our space,
Unaware of the mental race's embrace.
Beautiful peers, the cool kids we thought,
But as we settled, challenges did unfurl.

Rent overdue, the landlord's stern decree,
Walking everywhere, no money for fare,
Surviving on empty stomachs, learning to bear.

Girlfriends left for wealthier hearts,
Rarely did we smile, shoes tattered and worn,
Missed marks, exams for recovery, frustration's waves,

Rented rooms, no ceiling, heat's cruel jest,
Thieves lurking, phones taken away,
No communication, loneliness in sway.

Each day chaotic, class after class,
Pressure mounting, late-night study cramming,
Lecturer harassment, a painful disgrace,

Away from home, broke and feeling low,
Hopes of distinction slowly faded away,
Attachments hard to find, a dream so far,

But we persisted, no other choice,
Dreaming of brighter days, we'd rejoice.

In this alternate reality, our way would be clear,
To a brighter future, where we'd thrive, not veer.

But we persisted, no other choice,


JOEL OMOSIGHO                   A 4th year student pursuing bachelor of science in Oral Health


Hello, I’m Joel, an international student from Nigeria. I am a talented oral health professional with a remarkable talent for music that has been a defining aspect of my life. I was born with a natural gift for both healing smiles and creating melodies.


From a young age, I displayed an innate passion for music, picking up various instruments and exploring different genres. My musical journey began during my childhood with piano lessons at the age of 8 and later singing in the local church choir.

I would find myself composing original song that resonated with audiences and  showcased my songwriting skills. So far my musical journey has been marked by a  relentless pursuit of excellence.


One of the most remarkable highlights in my life was his appearance on "MKU Got Talent." season 1 this year. My audition was a memorable moment as I melted the hearts of both the judges and the audience with a breathtaking musical performance. Throughout the competition, I continued to captivate viewers with my  unique blend of musical talent and charisma.


My journey on the show inspired aspiring musicians and showcased his versatility as an artist. I believe my story is a

testament of unwavering commitment to both music and dentistry and I have always strived to be dedicated and consistent in propelling my  passion in both fields.


My ability to excel in multiple domains reflects my dedication and passion for my  chosen paths. Whether I am crafting beautiful melodies, caring for patients' oral health, keeping fit at the gym or spending time with friends, my talent continue to shine, making me a truly remarkable unique dental professional. On another note I think music has been the best mechanism that has helped me to cope with pressure that comes with being in medical school.


My story is a testament to the power of combining passion and profession and one that is propelled by dedication, determination. I would urge anyone who feels they are talented not to shy away from exploring their respective talent rather they should nurture them and they should not limit themselves to their future career linked to the course they are pursuing.