By: Dante Simiyu (spoken word writer)   A 3rd years student pursuing bachelor of Science in Dental Technology

"Sunk in depression"

Pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure on the shoulder,

like a soldier with loads of arsenal bags,

the weight is oppressing me,

 the struggle in my chest is sending pain in my lungs and my heart,

I’m being hurt.


I was thinking its gonna be easy but no matter how hard I try to forget, it isn't easy for me,

This large institution is supposed to tutor me on my career,

 but now its teaching me on how to live but ironically,

 I am not leading the life it wants me to live.


This course I chose, was happy when I clicked the icon

upon registration congratulations you’re the chosen,

I chose this path, but everything is getting overwhelming.


 No matter how hard I try to read I don't get the concept,

I try to read through minds, through books but everything remains the same,

I see darkness roaring flaming eyes with sharp horns ready to strike me down. 

This darkness, depression it is?, ready to roll me round and round lie a ball.


I have no one to talk to but my inner self,

I think I should come to my rescue,

 Ooh! Forgot the therapy session,

I only know who I am, Ooh!

It is relatively hard all alone, 

Ooh! I think I need to see the therapist to quench all my thirst.


My soul is crying because I am losing myself,

I am losing this inner me,

Suicidal thought! Ooh! No! what a bad thought ,

I think I should let it fade away,

Come to my rescue! Please heaven I need you,

I need your help.


I should stay strong and find a remedy to this,

I should talk to one of my counsellors in town or perhaps in school,

I will be better.