rough times!

Phew, it's been... well, it's been a hell of a few weeks here for me!

I've been very late in keeping the site updated as I handled "life stuff" in general. However, we did get to play our first session of Fall of Plaguestone! As an added little bonus, some of us were able to play around with the new classes in Paizo's Advanced Player's Guide Playtest and had a blast. I'm debating on whether or not this needs a full write-up (and where I would put it), but... well, given how crazy things have been lately, I've decided against it. We had a blast trying out all of the classes (at level 5), and I personally enjoyed Swashbuckler's Panache mechanic. I'm looking forward to seeing more when the book releases next August.

Until then, the cold is blowing it's way into the area and all of us are going to be having some free time soon. I hope that we can all get together for some gaming, holiday cheer, and tasty vittles!

-Dungeon Master