how to play

"Aim for the gem on their cover!" shouted Quinn from his perch on the ladder.

"Yeah," Alain grunted while he fumbled with the sentient bookmark, "easier said than done, old man!"

A roar of fire lit up the room as Merisiel danced backwards. "Let's make this easier. Have either of you ever considered how flammable paper is?"

Quinn rolled his eyes.

You've heard the stories, you may have watched a few Youtube shows or listened to the podcasts, and now you're ready to play a roleplaying game. But... how?

Welcome to Pathfinder, a roleplaying game of high fantasy and unique characters. In this game, you take the role of an adventurer and combat challenges while weaving a story of danger and excitement with your friends.

This may be your first Tabletop Roleplaying Game (TRPG) or you may be familiar with another game (like Dungeons and Dragons). In either case, this guide is here to help ease you into the flow of the game once the dice start rolling.

What you need to play

Pathfinder, and TRPGs in general, require very little beyond a working imagination and a few friends. However, there are a few essentials that will help you out immensely.

  • Pathfinder Core Rulebook - This whopping 600+ page book contains all the rules for the game. Yikes! Don't worry, you are only going to need a few of those pages.
  • Pathfinder Character Sheet - Just something to keep track of your character's skills and abilities. There are several versions of Pathfinder Second Edition character sheets all over the internet, but the classic printable version can be found in our Files section as well.
  • Dice - Pathfinder uses the seven classic dice used in roleplaying games: four-sided (d4), six-sided (d6), eight-sided (d8), ten-sided (d10), twelve-sided (d12), twenty-sided (d20), and percentile die (d%). Getting your hands on these dice in Japan can be difficult, but there's always Amazon.
  • Pencil/Other Note-taking Method - Finally, you generally want to have something to take notes with. If a bugbear bashes you in the head for 8 damage, you're going to need to note that down! It also doesn't hurt to jot down the names of all the people you save from the fearsome dragon.

As a sidenote: All rules, feats, spells, skills, and more are located on the website, Archives of Nethys. If you ever need to refer to a rule, but don't have access to the Core Rulebook, that is an easy to use website that can help you immensely.

general rules

In TRPGs, you are narrating your actions to a Dungeon Master. Your character has certain feats and skills that will help you overcome obstacles, be they terrifying monsters, treacherous pits, or even sensitive diplomatic entreaties. Using these abilities brings us to the...

Golden Rule

"When you attempt to do something that poses any sort of challenge, you will roll a twenty-sided die (d20) in an attempt to do so. If you roll high, that's good. If you roll low, that's bad. The DM will tell you the result of your roll."

That's the big rule, really. Roll a die, try and get a high number. Your character's attributes and feats will modify and change these rolls, so each character will excel in areas that others may not. Now let's get a little bit more granular about Pathfinder's rules. What do we need to know before we sit down at the table?

  • Three Actions: In combat, every character can take three actions a turn. You might move across the battlefield, swing your axe at an orc, and then raise your shield to protect yourself. Some actions (like spells) cost multiple actions. Some classes have access to special actions that allow them to react, like using their shield for cover or attacking a foe who is out of position.
  • Proficiency: Pathfinder uses a system of proficiency to determine how good a character is at a given task. Your fighter may be an expert at swordplay, but hopelessly lost when it comes to sneaking around. As you gain levels, you will improve in proficiency in some of these areas.
  • Critical Success/Critical Failure: Sometimes you will be able to critically succeed at a task! This means that you scored 10 higher on a die roll than was required. These types of successes come with additional benefits (or damage, if you're in combat). By the same token, failing a roll by 10 or more could cause a critical failure, which is very bad news!

social rules/table rules

TRPGs are social games. That means that you will be sitting down with several other people who are just as invested in this game as you. It's important to take the feelings of your friends and fellow players into account when playing. Here are some ground rules for play.

  • When you are asked to stop, please stop: This is basic kindness, but is sometimes overlooked. If you're doing or saying something that is making another player uncomfortable, then stop. Everyone has different limits on what they find acceptable and those limits should be respected. No one wants to show up for a game where they don't feel comfortable.
  • This game is for everyone, share the spotlight: It can be very easy to get excited about your character and all the amazing things they can do. That doesn't mean that you should be doing everything at all times. This is a game of teamwork and storytelling. You are as much the star as your friends are. Try not to talk over each other or make every situation about your character. (That said, everyone should get their chance in the spotlight, so cheer for your friends when it's their turn on the stage!)
  • Rules are myriad, but fun triumphs: Pathfinder has a lot of rules! The DM should be your arbiter to these rules, but they won't always get things right. At the end of the day, if people at the table are having fun, that's what is most important. Sometimes a rule will be hand-waved for brevity's sake or simply forgotten in the heat of the moment. Try not to take it too seriously. Remember that the DM has the final say at the end of the day. Arguments don't have a place at the table. If you have a concern, speak with the DM or player in question at a time when it's best for everyone.

Good luck, Pathfinders! Enjoy the adventures you will share!