An introduction

Breachill, Isger; Rova 1, 4719 AR

The Age of Ashes is soon upon us.

Our story begins in the small town of Breachill, a settlement on the eastern border of Isger. Every month, the town holds a Call for Heroes - something of a recruitment drive for adventurers to handle local problems. Just a mile northwest of the town is Citadel Altaerein, the former home of the Order of the Nail. It has laid abandoned ever since the Hellknights left it in 4682 AR. However, the town has stood firm over the years, even when the Goblinblood Wars swept through the land. As a matter of fact, the people of Breachill have found themselves extending an olive branch to the local goblin presence, even adopting an ambassador from the nearby Bumblebrasher tribe.

Yet not all is as it should be in Breachill. What horrors lay in store for our heroes? The future is writ in the ashes of the past. Stay tuned.