dreams of fire

Inagra was born deep in the heart of the Five Kings Mountains, in a realm known as the Forgelands. There she was an aspiring smith, who toiled at the forges, her arms growing stronger with each swing of her hammer.

One day, however, a band of goblins leapt forth from the Darklands, tearing through the settlement. Inagra watched in horror as a visiting merchant was hurled into the blistering hot forges that burned day and night. Thinking quickly, the woman threw herself after the merchant, getting only a few burns thanks to her ancestral resilience.

Clerics tended to the Inagra and the merchant's burns for weeks, but sadly the traveling saleswoman didn't make it. She succumbed to her wounds. The trauma of the attack, and the chaos of the fire in the forge, left Inagra with a lifetime of flaming nightmares and an aversion to disorder, especially that chaotic force of fire. It also drove her from the forge and towards the gospel of Abadar, god of Civilization and Order.

Unable to stay in the hot, fire-lit Forgelands, she chose a kind of exile to the merchant class, where she volunteered to leave her ancestral home and travel to Druma as a merchant liaison of the dwarf community. There, she quickly came into contact with the Prophets of the Kalistrade. Their philosophy of power, control, and order grafted onto her adoration of Abadar as a bastion from the fear and pain of chaos.

Some years passed in Druma, the flaming nightmares waxing and waning; she became comfortable in her increasingly ordered world. In recent months, however, the flaming nightmares have become more frequent and frightening. Occasionally, Inagra sees a town in these nightmares. Perhaps the town is a vision from Abadar, a call to spread her ordered world and the glory of civilization to that small corner of the world. Divine vision or damned delirium, her compass points her to Breachill.