Let The games begin!

Hello, everyone!

We've officially launched Age of Ashes with out first (nine hour long!) session of Pathfinder. It was a great day of dice being thrown, laughs, and role-playing. I even managed to knock someone out with a lucky crit! You can read about our first adventure here, as well as familiarize yourself with all of the NPCs we've met so far here. Also, each player has been given access to a journal of their own that they can write in and edit as they please, but it's by no means mandatory! In fact, if you're not comfortable with it, I can have it removed from your character page at your request.

Not a player in the Age of Ashes game? No problem! We're still putting together a second dedicated team for a more free form game of Pathfinder. We're currently looking for two more members in the Ishinomaki area to get that one started, but I feel confident that we'll have those players soon. The adventure will be "The Fall of Plaguestone," an introductory adventure for players new to the system. Don't let that fool you, however! This module is filled with all sorts of nasty surprises!

For players not interested in Pathfinder, or just looking to branch out, I do plan on running different systems in the future. Most of this is dependent on interest, but I hope that people stay in the loop as I will be announcing events on this page! For people interested in running games of your own, my hope is that this site becomes a place where you can find players and organize meet ups. Still a ways off in the future, but it never hurts to keep an eye on expansion!

May the dice ever be in your favor!

-Dungeon Master