welcome to the new site

Hello, everyone!

I hope you're all doing well and excuse me while I get this site under control. It's a bit bare bones at the moment, but I expect that to be changing soon. If you're here, you're a part of (or looking to become a part of) an ongoing Pathfinder game in the Miyagi area of Japan. This site will be a way to disseminate information about those games while also serving as an archive for the adventures that you take part in. Things are sparse, but here's a brief tour.

If you're new to Pathfinder Second Edition, I've written a brief overview here. It talks about the major rules and what you will need to play the game. If you're looking for some digital content for the game (like a character sheet or a copy of the rulebook), you can find that in our Files section. That should be filling up with more content as it becomes available for your games.

If you're just interested in the games being played, you can find them on our front page. Each one will contain episodic updates about each session so that you can catch up in case you've missed a game or (like me) just have trouble remembering the important details. Throughout the campaigns, I will work to keep the lore and history of the world fully fleshed out and available for reading as we encounter the information. Finally, the characters will have a place to call home as well. I would like to eventually expand these areas of the site to allow for players to write character journals and to pass information back and forth. We'll see how far that gets.

Thank you for your patience and I hope that your games are filled with heroism, mystery, and danger!

-Dungeon Master