A new book, new changes!

Let me open with a big congratulations to the Age of Ashes group! Book 2, Cult of Cinders has been successfully completed!

It was an amazing game versus the leader of the death cult followed up by a surprise assault from the Scalehoarder tribe on the town of Breachill! The battles were not without their cost, however, and Breachill is much worse for wear. Roxie Denn is gone along with her tavern, the Pickled Ear. Greta Gardania is missing, as well! Things could certainly be better.

In local news, the school year is wrapping up for a lot of teachers! That means tests for students and plenty of time to think up some Pathfinder plots. I, meanwhile, am navigating the treacherous world of... getting a new apartment in the city. Yikes! Hopefully the change in location won't effect our monthly games. I know that I have been busy lately, so thank you all for putting up with my tardiness (and forgetfulness, in the case of the Open World group!)

I wish that I had more to add here, but most of my mental space has been used on the AoA updates!

-Dungeon Master