a new year of adventure!


We made it through the holidays! Well I don't know about you, but I still have a few days of vacation left. Over this break, I GM'd four games of Pathfinder in a row!

A quick recap of the holiday season before talking about what the New Year will bring: The Age of Ashes group is just about to finish Book 2 of the Adventure Path and they have taken to extreme combat like fish to water. Battles of been intense and life threatening as every member of the team has been pulling their weight and contributed meaningfully to combat. As the story continues, the plot unfolds between a god of destruction, a fanatical cult, and a set of mysterious portals. What surprises await them should they survive this final confrontation with the leader of the cult?

The Plaguestone group gained a new (possibly temporary) member in Goose (pronounced Gus)! The salamander boy adds a new dynamic to the party and they've been having a blast. A surprisingly more character driven narrative, this group is nearing the end of the deadly, deadly module. What lay ahead for them in 2020? Only the GM knows!

Speaking of which, I am gearing up for a big move in a few months. I'm going to be leaving the local area and moving to the "big city." Hopefully this won't be changing our gaming schedules at all, but I want to make you all aware that I am going to be saving money for a little while. This may not mean much to you right now, but that means that new books coming out (like the Gamemastery Guide, Extinction Curse, and Gods and Magic) won't be showing up at our tables for awhile yet. Sorry! It costs a lot of money to move and I have a feeling that I won't be seeing my security deposit on my apartment now.

But never fear! New years bring new change and we've all made it this far. I hope that 2020 brings you all, well... plenty more 20s!

Happy New Year!

-Dungeon Master