Asset List

Road Generation Tools


Creates Road Network Splines and can output Parcels, Roads, Bridges, Sidewalks and Decoration elements. 

Lot and Parcelling Tools


Algorithms to Subdivide Polygon Surfaces with an Object Bounding Box Algorithm. There are 3 different ones available.


Generates different types of Parcels

Building Generators


Includes over 10 Different Generators. Some more complex some less complex. Some use different approaches in placing Window Assets so features and speed of generating these can differ drastically. 

mbBuildingFromBoxes              // Generates a Detailed Building from Box inputs.

mbBuildingBlock-C                //
mbBuildingBlocks-A               //
mbBuildingBlocks-B               //

mbBuildings-C                    //
mbBuildingsFromParcels           //
mbBuildingsFromParcelNurbs       //
mbFactories                      //
mbFootprintGenerator             //
mbHouses-A                       //
mbHouses-B                       //
mbIndustrialBuilding             //

mbParksGenerator-A               //
mbParksGenerator-B               //

mbSkyscraper-A                   //


A detailed Skyscraper Type of generator that can generate Skyscrapers from Rectangle or Box inputs.


Separate Building Generator (see


Includes over 10 Different Gener



Asset that includes some presets to setup and control a scale or zscale attribute. This is only to help make this step quicker.

mbBuildingLayouter (Cacher)

Interactivly draw boxes or rectangles in the Viewport and process a Custom User procedure (such as Generating a Building) and stores it into Memory. (This is a non/or semi procedural way of generating buildings) This tool can also be used to Whitebox a Level and use those Boxes in combination with one of the Building Generators that can generate Buildings from Boxes. (mbSkyscraper, mbBuildingFromBoxes)


Includes a set of Tools. Most importantly the mbDecorator which is used to place Windows or other Decorations.

mbDecorator           // Places multiple assets such as Windows or Doors onto Primitives input
mbSetupAreas          // Setup Color IDs for Areas or Building Types.
mbSplitByPerimeter    // Simple Low level tool that Splits a Surface by its longest Perimeter
mbDeleteByArea        // Simple Low Level Tool that deletes Surface with a lower Area Size
mbExtendedCarve       // Simple Extended SOP of the Houdini Carve
mbExtendCurve         // Low level Tool that Extends curve ends. Has 2 Options.
mbInsetter            // Extended Extrude Inset. (Iterates and fuses close points.)
mbReverseBackface     // Reverses Normals that face down or up


A Tool to generate walls or Rails. Can have custom geo input that will be copied along the drawn spline.

