

  • Show understanding of the purpose and benefits of networking devices

  • Show understanding of the characteristics of a LAN (local area network) and a WAN (wide area network)

  • Explain the client-server and peer-to-peer models of networked computers

    • roles of the different computers within the network and subnetwork models

    • benefits and drawbacks of each model

    • justify the use of a model for a given situation

  • Show understanding of thin-client and thick-client and the differences between them

  • Show understanding of the bus, star, mesh and hybrid topologies

    • understand how packets are transmitted between two hosts for a given topology

    • justify the use of a topology for a given situation

  • Show understanding of cloud computing

    • including the use of public and private clouds

    • benefits and drawbacks of cloud computing

  • Show understanding of the differences between and implications of the use of wireless and wired networks

    • describe the characteristics of copper cable, fibre-optic cable, radio waves (including WiFi), microwaves, satellites

  • Describe the hardware that is used to support a LAN

    • including switch, server, Network Interface Card (NIC), Wireless Network Interface Card (WNIC), Wireless Access Points (WAP), cables, bridge, repeater

  • Describe the role and function of a router in a network

  • Show understanding of Ethernet and how collisions are detected and avoided

    • including Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection (CSMA/CD)

  • Show understanding of bit streaming

    • methods of bit streaming, i.e. real-time and on-demand

    • importance of bit rates/broadband speed on bit streaming

  • Show understanding of the differences between the World Wide Web (WWW) and the internet

  • Describe the hardware that is used to support the internet

    • including modems, PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network), dedicated lines, cell phone network

The majority of content on this page is referenced from TheTeacher website and Multiwingspan's AQA site


What is networking?

Networking is a term used to mean the joining of two or more devices in order to share information. The opposite of networking is stand-alone.

The following video covers many topics that are scattered throughout the AS and A2, so use it as a general introduction.

Networking computers vs standalone computers

A stand-alone PC is one which is not connected to any other PC, either by using a cable or wirelessly. A network is where more than one computer is connected together. We say it is a 'Local Area Network' or LAN if the computers are relatively close to each other, perhaps in the same room, building or group of buildings on the same site. They are a 'Wide Area Network' is the computers are spread out over a geographical area, perhaps in the same town, or across a country or across the world, as the Internet is. Different networking equipment is used depending on how the computers are networked (e.g. switches and hubs for LANs and routers for WANs).

There are quite a few advantages to networking computers and a small number of disadvantages.



  • Computers that are connected together can communicate with each other. Stand-alone machines can't.

  • Users on a network can easily share resources such as printers, scanners and modems. This means that a company doesn't have to buy so much equipment and users do not waste time moving files to different machines so they can use a piece of equipment that is only available on a particular PC.

  • Users on a network can share data. For example, a team might be working on a project. They can all access and work on the same files easily without having first to back them up on floppy disks, for example, and then transport them to the next team member and then reload the files.

  • New software need only be added once. It can then be distributed to all other PCs automatically.

  • When data files are backed up they only need to be backed-up once, centrally, at the server. With stand-alone machines, you would have to back up the files on every machine. This would be very time-consuming!

  • Users can retrieve and work on files from any machine on a network. If one machine is being used or breaks down, you simply move to a different machine!

  • Networks can be managed. This means a network manager is able through the network software to control who can access the network, when they can access it, and what files and software and hardware they are allowed to use. An audit trail of each user can be built up so that projects can be more efficiently costed, for example, by keeping track of what printouts are done in connection with what project. Users, knowing that their activities are being monitored, will also be encouraged to stay on-task and not waste the organisation's time!

  • Security can be centrally managed by the network manager. They can add patches centrally, ensure virus patterns are up-to-date centrally and so on.


  • It costs more money to build a network than it does stand-alone machines. This is because you have to buy network cards, interconnections, a server and a Network Operating System.

  • There is an additional support cost that is not insignificant. Networks are more complicated than sets of stand-alone machines. They need specialist knowledge to set them up and maintain them as well as time to maintain them. To do this, you would need to employ somebody with network management skills, usually a network manager.

  • Networks have machines in different locations, each of which potentially could be used to gain access to the server's hard disk and the data stored on it. This is a security headache and the need to protect data on a network from hackers adds an extra degree of complexity to a network that doesn't exist with standalone machines.

  • If the server on a client-server network goes down, the whole network will be out of action. It is also possible for one faulty machine on a network to cause other machines on the network to stop working. In addition, if the cables on a network fail, problems on either individual machines or on the whole network may occur.

  • Viruses and other types of malware can spread very quickly across networks.

Local Area Networks (LAN) vs Wide Area Networks (WAN)

A Local Area Network (LAN) is a network where the workstations are 'close' together. It isn't strictly defined in terms of an exact distance but it is usually thought of as computers in the same room, or building or even in a number of buildings, which are next to each other.

A Wide Area Network (WAN) is where the workstations are 'further apart' from each other compared to a LAN. For example, the computers may be spread out over a town, a country or the world (like the Internet is).

A small accountant's business or a school probably have a LAN whereas a bank or a large travel agents company will have a WAN, as they have branches across the country and across the world, each with computers that can communicate with each other.

A Wide Area Network (WAN) connects geographically remote computers or networks. Connections between computers connected to a WAN may involve some of the following,

  • Public switched telphone network

  • Leased line

  • Fibre optic

  • Microwave

  • Satellites

  • Radio waves


An inter-network is a collection of connected networks which function separately. The Internet is obviously the largest example of such a thing. TCP/IP is the protocol used to connect networks. See the section on IP Addressing for more information.

Differences between LANs and WANs

  • LANs are spread over a smaller area whereas WANs are spread over a larger area.

  • WANs are usually made up of LANs connected together.

  • LANs are usually much faster than WANs. LANs can usually send much bigger volumes of data in a second (known as 'bandwidth') than a WAN.

  • Users generally share hardware on a LAN. On a WAN, however, the focus is all on communicating and sharing data.

Thin client vs Thick client

Thin client – a computer that depends heavily on a more powerful computer that stores all the applications and data

Software example: mobile phone app that needs constant access to a server to work
Hardware example: POS terminal at a supermarket that needs constant access to a server to find prices etc

Thick client – a computer that relies on its own processing power, not that done by a server

Software example: a computer game that can run independently on a user’s computer.
Hardware example: normal computers

Network Topologies

Bus - Each node is daisy-chained (connected one right after the other) along the same backbone, similar to Christmas lights. It is half-duplex, due to the configuration. Information sent from a node travels along the backbone until it reaches its destination node. Each end of a bus network must be terminated with a terminator (basically a resistor) to keep the signal from bouncing when it reaches the end of the cable.

Bus networks can generate large numbers of collisions, as the entire length of the bus is considered a single collision domain, thus generating a lot of packet loss and re-transmission with CSMA (see below in the traffic section).

Think of a bus topology like a real life bus on a one-way road. Each stop is a node on the network and the packet (the bus) will eventually deliver to the correct stop, but must first go through each of the other stops first. If it meets another bus on the same road, they will collide and the data re-sent (after waiting a random time). Each stop along the route will examine the data, see if it is destined for it, and if not, ignore it.

Nodes are connected with a t-connector and at both ends are terminators. The terminators are critical as they kill off the electrical signal once it gets to it, to stop it bouncing back down the cable. Due to the configuration, a break in the bus renders the entire network inoperable.

Star - In a star network, each node is connected to a central device called a hub or switch. The hub takes a signal that comes from any node and passes it along to all the other nodes in the network. A hub does not perform any type of filtering or routing of the data. It is simply a junction that joins all the different nodes together. A switch is more intelligent, in that it will only forward communication to those nodes that need it. They effectively create many individual segments in the network.

Each node connects to its own port on the switch or hub (this is always a switch in a medium/large network). A given device has a number of ports, such as a 48-port switch. Meaning that the switch can support 48 individual devices. Do not confuse a physical network port with the same term used in the TCP/IP model allowing application addressing. One is a physical hardware connection and one is a software connections.

Due to each computer having it's own personal connection, switches enable not only full-duplex (simultaneous send and receive), collisions do not occur as each segment is private. Also, being private, traffic is only sent to where it needs to go, and other nodes attached to the network cannot and will not receive anything not intended for them.

Hubs are not specified in the specification, so you can assume switches are connecting each segment in the network.

Mesh - In a full mesh network each node is connected to every other node on the network. You can also have a partial mesh network where some nodes are connect to most other nodes.

Depending on the type of mesh, data is either routed or flooded. Routing gives each node routing logic so that data can be sent to a destination node by the shortest route or avoid nodes that have failed. Flooding uses no routing logic and sends data via all the nodes.

This type of topology makes it easy to identify locations of faults within the network and broken links do not affect other nodes. It also provides good privacy and security and is relatively easy to expand.

Example applications:

  • the internet

  • medical monitoring of patients in hospitals

  • many other industrial monitoring and control systems

Hybrid - a mixture of two or more different topologies

  • Star bus - Probably the most common network topology in use today, star bus combines elements of the star and bus topologies to create a versatile network environment. Nodes in particular areas are connected to hubs/switches (creating stars), and the hubs/switches are connected together along the network backbone (like a bus network). Quite often, stars are nested within stars.

The Internet

WWW vs the internet


The Internet is part of many people's lives across the globe now. It is used for socialising, education, business, news reporting and so on. It has so many uses that it is difficult now to imagine life without it. The following video adequately describes the difference between the Internet and the WWW.


What is the Internet?

The Internet is a set of networks, both Local Area Networks (LANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs) which are connected together usually using telecommunications facilities. These include the phone lines but also such communication technologies as satellite.

The Internet allows everyone to communicate quickly and allows the transfer of files and data between computers. Data (an email, a file or a web site, for example) starts at one computer. It is broken down into digital 'packets' of information. Each packet is then passed through other computers, with each packet often going by a completely different route to the other packets. When all the packets reach the final destination, they are reassembled into the original communication and can then be read.

World Wide Web

The World Wide Web (WWW) is often used interchangeably with the 'Internet' but it does have a different meaning. The WWW is a collection (a very large collection) of information held on the Internet in multimedia form. This includes text, pictures, video, sound and animations.

Web pages and web sites

The information on the Internet is stored in 'web pages' and the web pages are themselves stored at places known as 'web sites'. Web pages can be very large so you often need to scroll down to be able to read them. A set of web pages on one web site can be very large so they are usually broken down into different web pages and linked together using 'hyperlinks', which are also known as 'hotlinks'. These can also be used to link to other completely different web sites. Because any individual web site can be large, it usually has a 'home page'. This is usually the starting point for any web site and helps the user quickly find their way around and navigate through the rest of the web site.


A 'web browser' is a type of application, which has been written by an individual or organisation to allow a user to get back and display multimedia information on the Internet. It can be used to surf the WWW as well as to provide other facilities, such as transferring individual files. Web pages sent over the Internet use a communications protocol known as http. This isn't secure so that if anyone intercepts these pages, they can view them. You can send and receive encrypted web pages over the Internet using the communications protocol known as https. This is important if you are sending or receiving sensitive information e.g. logging into your bank account. Browsers typically have a range of features, such as navigation tools, to move forward and backwards between web pages, facilities to save web pages or print them out and security features, for example, the facility to block certain web sites or block certain types of file. Examples of Browsers include Firefox , Chrome, Sahara and Explorer but there are many many others. Try doing a Google search for web browsers and download and try out some of the less known ones at home.


One word you may come across from time to time is 'Intranet'. An Intranet is very similar to the Internet, except that it exists purely within a company or other organisation. A company's Intranet is only accessible by authorised users, usually by using a system of logins, passwords and access rights (as opposed to the Internet, which anyone who has a connection can access). It allows a company to distribute information only to its own employees, information that it might not want its competitors to have, for example.


Sometimes, an Intranet will allow part of itself to be viewed by the public from the Internet. This means that part of a company's Intranet could be used to advertise itself. If a part of an Intranet is accessible via the Internet then this part is sometimes called an 'extranet'.

Client-Server and Peer-to-peer models


There are two types of network that we should know about: The first one is known as a 'client-server' network and the second type is known as a 'peer-to-peer' network.

Client-server network

In a client server network, one computer has been set up to be a 'server' (often called a 'file server'). The server's main job is to keep the network secure. It does this by keeping a database of users who are allowed to login to the network and use it. Users who are authorised can login using a login and password. They can then use the software applications and hardware such as printers on the network. Some users may be given more 'rights' to use different things on the network than others. These are known as 'access rights'. On your school network, for example, you will be able to login and use quite a lot of the network but your teachers, when they login, will be able to access parts that you cannot get to or may be able to use a certain printer that you cannot print to. This is because they have different access rights. Servers usually have lots of hard disk space because they securely keep all of the authorised users' files on their hard disk rather than having the files stored locally on the 'clients'. They also have lots of RAM, because they have a lot of work to do and may need to have a lot of applications open at any one time.


The 'clients' on a client-server network are the individual computers or applications that authorised users log into and use. They are like the customers of the server and an authorised user can usually login to any of the clients on the network and use them.

In the next few years you are likely to see more and more software moving away from running on your desktop to running on remote servers and you accessing it as a client, this is called software as a service.

As an example of modern client server model consider a video sharing website. The website, let's call it MeTube, has a server that stores all the videos that are uploaded to the site. The website is used by millions of clients a day and each of them connects to the server to watch videos. When a client connects to MeTube the server and asks for a particular video, the server loads the video into RAM from a large array of hard disks and MeTube sends the video to the client. The client on receiving the video, presses play and watches the video.

Other examples of servers might be a shared printing service in a college. The print server will be hosted on a single computer, and when anyone in the college wants to print, the request is sent to the server. In this case the server will keep track of how much printing credit each user has and make sure that the print queue is dealt with properly.

Peer-to-peer network

This type of network doesn't have a server. Instead, all of the computers on the network have equal status (they are peers of each other). Each one can communicate with all of the others and each of them may have a role in helping to manage the whole network. For example, one computer could send a file to another computer and have it saved on that computer. A computer might send a file to be printed to another computer, which has a printer attached to it.


These types of networks are quite simple and are fine for very small networks of about 10 computers or less. They aren't complicated to set-up but don't provide very many of the powerful features found in client-server networks. For example, client-server networks can provide sophisticated security from one point (the server) whereas security has to be set-up on individual computers on a peer-to-peer network (because they are all peers). You can back-up work easily on a central server but you have to back-up work on each computer in a peer-to-peer network.

Applications which use client-server model

For contrast it is worth mentioning client/server applications as a form of remote computing.

A client/server application is a piece of software that runs on a client computer and makes requests to a remote server. Many such applications are written in high-level visual programming languages where UI, forms, and most business logic reside in the client application. Often such applications are database applications that make database queries to a remote central database server (this can, however, get much more complicated than that and involve other communication methods).

In a database application, data related number crunching can occur on the remote database server where the processing is close to physical data. An example of a database query might be to return the sum of a field named "dollar amount" where the field name year is "2016". There may be hundreds of thousands of records but the client computer does not have to worry about fetching or sorting through all of them itself. The database server will sort through that and just return one small record with the result to the client.

There are a wide variety of other client-server applications such as email, network printing, MMORPG (massively multi-player on-line role playing games). etc.

The hardware required to support the Internet


What hardware is needed to create a network and use the Internet?

Network hardware - servers

A client-server network is a way of organising computers (clients) so that they can make use of the resources of one or more servers. A server is simply a computer that has resources that can be used by clients. There are different types of server. As mentioned elsewhere, think of a server as a service rather than specifically a piece of hardware/software. It is not uncommon for small networks to have one computer running multiple servers.

      • Domain server/authentication server. This is is the server that manages the security of the network. Different network platforms (e.g. Windows, Unix, Novel) use different terminology but effectively, this server is responsible for authenticating all users on the network and storing the users' network credentials (access rights).

      • A file server. This is a computer that stores all of the users' data files. The NOS (Network Operating System) allows accounts to be set up. Users have to enter in a user ID and password to gain access to the network and to their own files. This system also means that users cannot access other people's files.

      • A print server. This is a computer that allows clients to have access to a shared printer. Print servers usually come with spooler software. Spoolers collect any jobs that have been sent to the printer, queues them and then sends them to the printer. If you sent a file to be printed straight to the computer rather than the spooler program, your computer would slow down because the printer works much slower than the computer. The spooler program frees up an application so you can carry on working.

      • A CD-ROM server. This is a computer that has many CD drives (or one drive that can change CD -ROMs automatically). Clients can access the information from any of the CD -ROMs currently in this server. A mail server. This manages mail into and out of a network.

      • A web server. If a business wants to have an Intranet or wants to host its own web site then it will need a web server. This is responsible for storing web pages and distributing them in response to requests.

      • A proxy server. The proxy server acts as a security buffer between the main file server and the users on a computer system. A user requests data held in a file server. The proxy server intercepts this request. The proxy server checks that the user is a valid user and is making a request for data that he/she is entitled to. If the user passes these checks, the proxy server gets the requested data from the file server an d passes it to the user. The user cannot access the file server directly. They must go via the proxy server. Proxy servers are mainly used as a security buffer between a computer network and the Internet, to stop threats from the Internet entering the computer system.

Most servers are a combination of hardware and/or software. For example, you can install server software (such as a web server) onto your own personal computer as well as other server-software such as a proxy. Some servers, on the other hand, can be purchased as dedicated-purpose hardware (with the associated software).


Network hardware - additional equipment

In addition to clients and various kinds of servers, a network will also need additional equipment. You should read widely to understand fully what the components that make up a network actually do because their definitions and functions are blurred and are constantly changing! If in doubt as to what any particular piece of equipment does then stick to the definitions given by the British Computer Society!


A hub is used to connect many computers to one place. For example, in a star network, all the cables from each individual computer go back and connect to a hub. The hub then connects to the server. Hubs can also boost signal strength if needs be.


A switch is a more 'intelligent' hub. It can set up communication paths between different clients and different servers at the same time! If you have large files to transmit, or a large volume of data, then switches would be more appropriate than hubs. See later in this chapter the section on Ethernet LANs.



Gateways and routers are often seen as doing the same job, but there is an important different. Gateways regulate traffic between two dissimilar networks (enable them to be connected), while routers regulate traffic between similar networks (i.e. same protocol). Gateways convert data from dissimilar network's format into the other, so that each network can send and receive information to the other, usually using the public telephone network.

You might have come across the term 'default gateway' and this is used in IP networks as a catch-all for addresses that cannot be located on the local area network. The default gateway's address is almost always the address of the router, or proxy server.

Unfortunately, the terms gateway and bridge (not covered here) are often among those whose meanings vary between different communities of users.


A router takes a ‘packet’ of data, looks at its IP address and then redirects it, or routes it, to the correct destination on a network (or different network running the same protocol). The network might be a LAN or WAN, such as the Internet. You can think of a router as a post office that knows all the addresses of any equipment on the network, whether it is a computer or a printer or a scanner, for example. Every time the post office receives some information from inside or outside the network, it knows exactly where to redirect it to. Routers are discussed in more detail in the next section, on IP addresses.

Routers can be called a gateway, but they are not. They are merely acting as a default gateway.

Network card (or Network Interface Card – NIC)

Each computer that is going to be part of a network needs to be actually connected up to the network. To do this, you will need to buy and fit a network card into an expansion slot in each computer. The network card inside a computer provides:

      • a means of connecting a computer to a network

      • a way of splitting up data that you want to send across a network and then getting that data actually onto the network successfully

      • a way of collecting ‘packets’ of data addressed to that particular computer from the network. Each network card has a unique identifier called a ‘MAC address’ that enables this to happen.

Connecting to the Internet & Making Voice Calls


If you want to connect a single computer or a network to the Internet then you need to use some specialised equipment. There are a number of choices, including a modem, a broadband modem, a broadband router and a wireless broadband router (although there are other pieces of equipment you can use).

Public Service Telephone Network (PSTN)

PSTN is the network of the world’s public circuit-switched telephone networks. The PSTN is made up of fiber optic cables, microwave transmission links, communications satellites, undersea telephone cables, telephone lines and cellular networks. All of this equipment is inter-connected by switching centres which subsequently allows any telephone in the world to communicate with another. One benefit is that the PSTN connection remains active even during a power outage as its power is fed in separately to the building. When you make a telephone call, a direct channel is used between the devices used in the call and for the entire duration of the call.It is full duplex data transmission, with data passing through different switching centres.

Voice calls (and video) can also be made using Internet based systems (such as voice over IP (VoIP)). The benefit of using Internet based systems is that the connection is in use as long as data is being sent (e.g. there is sound). The connection can be used for other data in-between voice data packets being sent. This type of system can also make use of encoding and compression.


Before we look at different pieces of equipment to connect to the Internet, there is one important word to take note of here: 'bandwidth'.Bandwidth refers to the volume of data that can be sent or received in one second. The higher the bandwidth, the more data you can send in any second. This is very important because some devices can handle a higher bandwidth than others. If you are using a broadband modem (see below), for example, that has a higher bandwidth compared to a dial-up modem (see below) and you won't be waiting too long for a film to download, perhaps a few minutes at most. A dial-up modem, on the other hand, uses a low bandwidth and a film might take many hours to download.

Bandwidth can be given as a frequency (e.g. 4 KHz) which tells you the range of frequencies that can be used. It can also be given as a transmission rate, in bits per second (e.g. 56 kbps)


Modem (also called a 'dial-up modem')

This is a piece of equipment used for sending and receiving data from one computer to another computer using the public switched telephone network (PSTN).A modem works by taking the packets of data (which are digital signals) from a computer and converting them into analogue signals, which the phone network uses. The analogue signals then pass along the phone network from computer to computer, from network to network, until the final destination is reached. At the destination, another modem converts back the analogue signals into the original digital ones and then passes these to the destination computer.


Advantages and disadvantages of modems

In this way, the existing, widespread phone network, which only uses analogue signals, can be used by computers, which are digital devices. On the other hand, modems cannot send large volumes of data at once. They are therefore of little use when streaming files, and the time taken to download files such as music or films may make them frustrating. In addition, the phone line, just like making a phone call, is engaged whilst the modem is in use. This is why it is also known as a 'dial-up' modem; you have to dial up the phone number provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to make a connection to the Internet and all the time you are on the phone using the Internet, your phone cannot be used for other things, such as making and receiving phone calls or sending faxes.

Broadband modem

For many years, most homes used dial-up modems but as we have seen, these are slow and you cannot use your phone line for making or receiving phone calls whilst you are connected to the Internet. As technology advanced, many homes and businesses now make use of broadband modems. These pieces of equipment work in much the same way as dial-up modems, connecting to your phone line, converting digital signals into analogue signals and back again. However, they make use of a much wider range of frequencies than dial-up modems. Some of those frequencies can be used for the Internet but crucially, the frequencies that we use for speaking can be reserved for speaking. This means that we can now use both the Internet and make and receive phone calls at the same time.

One thing to note about broadband modems - they are designed to allow you to connect only one computer to your broadband connection. For many homes and businesses these days, that is a problem, as they have many devices that need to access the Internet!

Broadband router

Another piece of equipment in wide use is a 'broadband router'. This piece of equipment combines a broadband modem with a switch, so that you can connect not one computer but many computers or a whole network to your broadband connection. The router usually has an 'Admin' area. You can log in to this area using a login and password and set up the router and any security features, such as a 'firewall'. This is a piece of software that stops unauthorised users getting access to the network.

Wireless broadband router

If it weren't enough to have broadband routers, it is very common to find 'wireless broadband routers' in homes and businesses today. These work in the same way as a broadband router but you can connect devices wirelessly to the router as well as physically, using cables. That means that those wireless devices can also use the broadband connection to access the Internet.

Using wireless broadband router software, you can login using the administrator's login and password and set up the firewall. You can also set up the wireless security features that are commonly found. There are two features you are likely to find:

A password. You set up a password for wireless users. That means that anyone with a wireless device has to enter the correct password into their device before they can get access to the Internet connection.

MAC addresses. Allowable MAC addresses are entered into a table. Every device that can connect to the Internet has a MAC (Media Access Control) address. If you put the addresses of only the devices you want to allow to make a connection, then any device with a MAC address not in this table will not be allowed access to the Internet connection.

It is always a good idea to prevent unauthorised users from getting access to your network. One reason is they might be up to no good. The second reason is they might be downloading large files, which could slow your own use of the Internet down or even cost you money if you are paying for how much data is downloaded.

Leased line (dedicated line)

An alternative to a dial-up connection is a leased line connection. In this type of connection, you pay a fixed fee for a permanent Internet connection. You have access to the Internet 24 hours a day. You do not need to dial-up a phone number because you are always connected! Modems used in dial-up connections work at speeds of up to 56 Kbytes. This may be fine for light Internet use. However, leased lines typically give much higher bandwidths and this may be necessary if there is heavy use in the office by a lot of people or use involving large multimedia files

Mobile phone networks (cell modems)

Cellular modems are an alternative to these other types of network modems. They enable computers and other devices for Internet access. Instead of connecting to some cable that serves as the network pipe, though, cellular modems communicate over wireless links to the Internet via cell phone towers. Using cell modems offers several benefits over other modems:

  • digital cellular service is faster than dial-up Internet

  • cellular Internet access can be used while traveling and from any location the cell signal is available

Although their network speeds have increased substantially in the past several years, cell connections to the Internet typically offer somewhat slower data rates than other forms of broadband Internet, sometimes even below 1 Mbps. When tethered, a cell phone cannot receive voice calls.

Internet providers typically enforce strict limits on the daily or monthly data utilisation of their cellular service. Exceeding these bandwidth quotas results in high fees and sometimes even termination of service.

The following video gives an interesting history to undersea communication. This video does contain some useful facts for the exam (all of which are already on this page), but is here for those interested.

Internet Connection Media (benefits and drawbacks)

Some of the below has been taken from this website:


When connecting together computer hardware, you have to decide how to connect them. The final choice will depend upon a number of factors including those listed on the right.

We have seen that you need to consider certain things before deciding on the interconnection method.

      • The predicted bandwidth.

      • The environment that the interconnections will exist in.

      • The distance between clients.

      • The level of security needed.

      • The cost of the interconnections.


Computers on a network can be connected up using different media. Some possible media include:

      • Twisted Pair.

      • Coaxial cable.

      • Fibre optics.

      • Wireless connections (including satellite).


Unshielded Twisted Pair copper cable (UTP)

Many networks use UTP cable. It is very light, flexible and cheap and has been around a long time - installation engineers are familiar with it. It is used extensively in the home to connect up the telephone system! It consists of pairs of conductors covered in insulation material and then twisted together. Within one cable, you might have 4 pairs but there are different designs, each with their own characteristics.Twisting wires together reduces the effects of electrical interference at minimal cost. Twisting is helpful but you can provide even more shielding from interference by using a silver foil wrapped around the cables. Although you can certainly buy STP (Shielded Twisted Pair) cable, UTP is perfectly sufficient for many networks.

Importantly, the bandwidth for UTP isn't as high as for coaxial or fibre optic and you need repeaters more often with UTP than coaxial or fibre optic cable. For many 'standard' networks in a building, however, it is the cable of choice because of its cheapness, adequate-for-the-job bandwidth, sufficient resistance to electrical interference and easy installation.


Coaxial copper cable

It is made up of a central conducting core covered with some protective insulation. Wrapped around the insulation is a thin metal sheath that provides the electrical interference protection. Finally, the cable has an outer covering. Coaxial cable is the cable used to connect your television aerial to the television.

It is heavier and less easy to manipulate than UTP. It is also more expensive. You can have longer cable runs than for UTP but still not as long as for fibre optic. This means that you may need fewer repeaters compared to UTP cable, but more than for a fibre optic cable. It is mechanically strong and resistant to interference.

Fibre optic cable

This consists of a glass core wrapped in protection within a cable. Data is sent down the fibre optic cable as light, not electrical signals. The signals therefore don’t suffer from electrical interference. Fibre optic cables are also resistant to the effects of moisture because they are non-metallic, unlike conventional cables, which are metal-based. The cables themselves are very brittle when compared to conventional metal-based cables and need to be well-protected.Fibre-optic communications is high bandwidth compared to e.g. UTP. For this reason, it is selected for networks where video-conferencing will be needed. The price of fibre optic cable has dropped rapidly in recent years so that it is comparable to metal-based cables. However, installing it and any modifications or repairs do need specialist engineers and this makes it relatively expensive to install and modify.

Fibre optics connections are often used for the ‘backbone’ of LAN networks. This means that they are used to connect the servers to the main switches, which are located in different areas where there are clusters of computers. From the switches, normal coaxial or twisted pair connections are made. Data transmission speeds of 1Gbit/s are easily reached using fibre optics connections.


Using satellite communications

Satellites are used widely for communication in the media, navigation, video conferencing, data transfer and for military purposes, for example. A transmitter on the ground sends signals to a satellite using microwaves or some other form of transmission. Using a different frequency to avoid interference, the signals are then redirected back to the planet. If it doesn’t reach the intended recipient, it is then bounced to other satellites and on to its destination.

Pros and cons of using satellites for communication

If you transfer data using satellite technology, the cost of data transfer is not dependent on distance. A short distance transfer costs the same as a long distance one. Overall, the cost of transfer is higher than non-satellite methods. Satellites can handle a very high number of simultaneous communication lines (they can handle a large bandwidth). Satellite communications can be used in the remotest parts of the world, from the arctic to mountainous areas to deserts although the actual equipment is very expensive. One use of this technology has been to provide up-to-date educational materials for schools in remote parts of Africa. Because of the distance between the surface of the planet and the satellites, there is a short delay in any communication. Weather conditions can also affect the quality of transmission.

Using WIFI - a wireless LAN (microwave frequency range 2.4 GHz - 5GHz)

You can connect up networks without using cables! For example, you can use lasers to 'fire' data signals between different parts of a network or use radio signals to send information across a LAN. You could use lasers to link two buildings onto one network, for example. Of course, you must have a clear view between the sending and receiving equipment in each building or the laser signal will be blocked.

Consider a school. The school has a couple of computer rooms linked using UTP. What happens when one department wants to use a computer room and it is booked? What happens when a teacher wants to use the computers in their own area rather than the computer room? One answer is to use wireless technology to provide a 'roaming computer room' like this:

      • Buy laptop computers. Most laptops these days have a wireless card in them.

      • Set up Access Points around the school in all departments. (These hardware devices are 'black boxes' fixed to the wall. They relay signals from the server to each laptop's radio network card).

      • Use the laptops as if they were part of the main network!

The beauty of this system, also known as Wi-Fi, is that you can move the laptops around the school to different departments (so long as you have remembered to install a transceiver there). You also don't have to worry about cable installation. One drawback is that the bandwidth of these systems may not perform as the main part of the network does. For example, you should be able to run generic applications such as a word processor or a spreadsheet but multimedia or bandwidth-intensive Internet applications may be slower than networks that use physical connections. They also suffer from electrical interference problems far more than cable-based networks and they are potentially very insecure! Signals can be easily intercepted if the network has not been set up with security in mind. If this is a problem for an organisation than it should consider other technologies or think about encryption, perhaps PGP.

MAC addresses and security of wireless networks

All wireless devices, such as an IPOD, a laptop or a wireless printer, come with a MAC address, or Media Access Control address. When setting up a secure wireless network, you need to know the MAC address of the device you want to connect with. When you have this number, you have to access the wireless router using the administration login account. You then add the MAC address to the wireless router's list of allowable MAC addresses. The router will then only allow those MAC addresses to access the network and then only if they have the right password.

Of course, you may want to set up a wireless network which will allow any user to access the network, usually by giving them a password. These types of wireless network are known as 'Hotspots' and you can find them everywhere these days, from MacDonalds and Starbucks to airports and schools. Sometimes they are free and sometimes you have to pay. If you are setting up your own hotspot, the password chosen should be a good, long one using a mixture of upper and lower characters, numbers and punctuation and should use the latest WAP encryption methods. Older types of encryption like WEP aren't secure.

If you need to send information over longer distances then satellite, cellular phone technology and microwave technology should be looked at.

Using radio signals - a microwave network

Microwaves are radio signals in the spectrum of 1 - 30 GHz. Connecting computers and networks together over a distance is easily possible using microwave technology. Microwaves have a high bandwidth, much bigger than those used in lower frequencies in the radio spectrum. However, the sending transmitter and receiving equipment do need to be able to see each other in a line-of-sight so there will be problems if there is a building in the way. They also suffer from problems due to the atmosphere; the signal can degrade in certain weather conditions. Although microwave technology is established and proven, there is a high cost to building the towers for the sending and receiving equipment. The distance that the signals can travel is up to about 40 miles so for longer distances, extra relay towers have to be built to collect, boost and resend the signals. Building towers can be an issue as planning consent is often needed to erect them.Microwave networks are ideal as part of satellite communication networks, and to connect islands, mountains, remote countryside and other hard-to-reach places.


Streaming and Bandwidth


Streaming, is when you click on a link to a video or song, for example. The video is sent to you from a specially set up 'streaming server' as opposed to a web server, and it sends you a part of the video at a time. That part then plays and while you are watching it, the second part is sent, and then played when the first part has finished. Part three is sent while you are watching part two, and so on. This continues until all the parts have been sent and played. As long as your Internet connection can download data fast enough (in other words, you have a high enough 'bandwidth'), you should be able to watch the video without it stopping or stop-starting all the time. If your Internet connection is slow, you may experience problems. When you have finished watching the video, you won't have a copy on your hard drive. If you want to watch it again, you have to click on the link and stream it again.


Bandwidth is the term used to describe the volume of data that can be sent or received. It isn't the speed of data, but the amount of data, the volume of data.If you think of a water pipe for a moment. A small diameter pipe will allow only so much water to flow through it. If you have a bigger diameter pipe, more water can pass through it. In both cases, the speed that the water travels is the same, it's just the volume of water that passes a particular point differs. The same idea can be applied to bandwidth. The better your Internet connection, the higher your bandwidth, and the more data you can send and receive. You always need a good Internet connection if you are downloading video, and certainly, you need a high bandwidth connection if you want to stream video. Broadband is excellent for this but a dial-up modem wouldn't be. If you are in a school with a lot of people streaming video or downloading music, then you need a very high bandwidth connection to the Internet.


Live streaming and on-demand streaming: Differences

The two types of webcasting are live streaming media and VOD or video on-demand streaming media. Both types of webcasting will give a great smooth picture with audio. Live streaming media is the transmission of specially encoded digital content. In many ways, on-demand and live streaming are very similar. Live streaming is the broadcast of an event in real time over the Internet. On-demand streaming is the playback of an archived file that is accessed via a link embedded on a Web page. With on-demand streaming, a website visitor can access a streaming file at any time. In addition, both live streaming and on-demand streaming can be protected so it can not be shared by the use of DRM - Digital Rights Management.