For more information on the safeguarding policy, safety, what is done in an emergency, and alcohol and Scouting, click Safeguarding


What do I need?

Each Section has a specific shirt (see their individual pages) and also a group neckerchief (neckie) and woggle. The woggle and ‘neckie’ will be supplied by the group at cost price (we have to get the tartan ones specially made). Your child's section leader will advise of the cost. The Scout and Explorer sections also need a Scout belt.

Where can I get a shirt/belt?

Either online at the following: or 0800 980 7988 or 01903 766921

Or locally from:

Stevenson’s, 429 Union Street, Aberdeen, AB11 6DA on 01224 595 190


Why do we need a Home Contact?

When an activity takes members of the Scout Movement away from their home area, it is possible that the Party Leader may need to contact the parents/guardians. Such occasions could include travel delays (perhaps the coach breaks down or is stuck in a traffic jam) or a change of plans (a camp is washed out and the party is returning home early). There may have been a serious accident or emergency and parents/guardians must be told. The required method is to use the Home Contact as the focus for communications between the party and those at home. The Home Contact is NOT someone parents should be phoning to ask details about a trip or camp, this role still lies with the Section Leader or Leader in Charge of the event. The Home Contact is for emergency use only. It is the Home Contact who would inform parents or guardians of any problems; this would allow the leaders in the field to deal with the incident, rather than spending valuable time on the phone.

Who is the Home Contact?

The Home Contact must be someone who is not related to, or emotionally involved with, any member of the party, so there is less risk of their feelings/emotions becoming involved. If related, and there is a serious injury, the Home Contact may become emotionally involved and ineffective in carrying out an important job which could affect the whole party. The person appointed can be anyone, but ideally with some knowledge of Scouting. More importantly the Home Contact needs the maturity and emotional stability to deal with a major incident should it occur. The Home Contact must be in possession of the names and addresses of the next of kin of each member of the party including the leaders/adults and know how to contact the next of kin, the party and the home Scout organisation. Each parent/guardian also needs to know how to contact the Home Contact. An effective Home Contact can take a lot of pressure off the leader in the field. He/she will not have to contact a myriad of parents, guardians etc, nor will they have to repeat the message several times when they should be looking after the party on the ground. The Home Contact can also work in reverse, by relaying a vitally important message to any Scout member who is on the trip/camp. On the permission to camp/day activity form, there will be a note of the home contact, and their contact details. Keep this safe until after the event, just in case there is a message needing transferred either from or to the group on the activity.


The young person will need to bring their personal equipment and should be encouraged to find out for themselves from the handbook what is necessary and pack it themselves. The amount of items (e.g. clothing) will depend on how many days and nights the trip is for. This is only a guide. All items should be clearly labelled with the young person’s name.

  • Full Uniform

  • Rucksack

  • Sleeping bag

  • Roll Mat (optional)

  • Warm sweater, jumper or sweatshirt

  • T-shirt or similar

  • Trousers and shorts

  • Spare underclothes

  • Spare socks

  • Swimwear – and a larger towel

  • Nightwear

  • Hike boots or strong shoes

  • Training shoes

  • Waterproofs – Jacket, Trousers, and Wellington boots

  • Personal washing requirements

  • Wool hat, scarf and gloves

  • Sun hat, sun cream and sun glasses

  • Plate, bowl, bowl, mug and cutlery (not breakable if possible)

  • Tea towel x2

  • Towel

  • Torch and spare batteries

  • Personal first aid kit

  • Hankies

  • Coat Hanger

  • Day sack and plastic drinks bottle/container

  • A small penknife – anything excessive will be kept by the leader till the end of camp.

It is best to pack a rucksack or other bag that you can carry on your back. Suitcases are not suitable for use in tents. Each camp/trip is different and any other specific kit would be advised, if you have any queries regarding this kit list, please contact the Camp Leader or any of the other local Leaders.

Kit List.doc


Mobile phones are not permitted at Scout camps. It causes unneeded stress, and more likely to create homesickness should the children receive or make a call. There is not usually any method of charging them either, and the Group takes no responsibility for damage to a phone.

Should there need to be contact between you and your child, this should be done via the "InTouch System" using the designated home contact. Likewise, we will do the same from the campsite to yourselves.

With respect to gaming equipment/ music devices / cameras etc: these are permitted to camp – not to a weekly meeting, at the participant’s risk.