Jason Cotton

President & Park Chair: Jason Cotton

Jason Cotton joined the Lions club in the spring of 2018 and is currently serving as the President for the club.  He coordinates the sound system and french fries at the annual fair and helps organize and run various other club fundraisers.  “I joined the Mercersburg Lions Club to build a new park to include a skate park and other needed activities,” said Cotton.  Giving back to the community and helping others are the benefits of being a member.  “Working with community members is rewarding.  The Lions Club needs more volunteers and inspired people to become involved to evolve and be successful.” said Cotton. 

He works full time and resides in the Mercersburg area with his wife Stephanie and two kids (Ian-12 and Kaylee-8).  Stephanie and the kids also volunteer with the club.  Additionally Jason enjoys being outdoors, from water sports, snowboarding, hunting, fishing, and coaching.