Annalisa Ambriso

Recording Secretary: Annalisa Ambrisco

Annalisa Ambrisco joined the Lions club in the January 2021 and is currently serving as Recording Secretary for the club.  She coordinates the kitchen food prep volunteers at the annual fair.  “I joined the Mercersburg Lions Club because We Serve my community thru sight projects and local nonprofit donations.  I wanted to continue my service after 18 years as Buchanan Lioness member.” said Ambrisco.  “Becoming a member has blessed me with wonderful new friends with the same goal of service and heart for the community.  The park provides a large beautiful green space for the public of all ages and we work to preserve and improve this space. “


She is a full time Branch Executive Officer for Orrstown Bank branch in Mercersburg, served for nine years on the Tuscarora Chamber Board and the Tuscarora Education Foundation.  Ambrisco resides in the Mercersburg area with her two daughters (Lindsay -22 and Lucy-16).  Both girls also volunteer with the club.  Additionally Annalisa enjoys watching Eagles football with her son Cody -25.  Summer is her favorite month.  She finds any opportunity to visit the Eastern shore or go camping with significant other Bryan and friends.