Magento 2 Rave Payment Gateway by Meetanshi integrates Magento 2 store with Rave payment gateway for the secure online payment process.

Magento 2 Rave Payment Gateway extension by Meetanshi offers secure integration of Magento 2 store with the Rave payment gateway to capture the online payments from store customers.

Rave by Flutterwave serves global customers to accept payments via cards, bank accounts, and mobile wallets. Integrating it with the store benefits the business by having a global customer reach.

The hosted payment gateway ensures security as no card data is stored in the store. The customers are redirected to the hosted payment page where they can complete the payments.

Benefits of Magento 2 Rave Payment Gateway:

  • Integrates Rave payment gateway with Magento 2 store.
  • Secure online payments
  • Option to set the custom title for the Rave payment method
  • Offers sandbox mode
  • Allow selected countries to use the Rave standard payment method in Magento 2 store
  • Option to add additional information on the checkout page in the storefront
  • The customers are redirected to the hosted payment page to enter the card details and complete the payments.
  • No card data is saved in the server in Magento 2
  • Let customers check the payment details in "My Account" section
  • Let admin check the payment details in the order view section
  • The Rave admin panel shows the order and transaction details
  • Supports Rave standard payment method.

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