
17 April 2018

1. I was familiar with the majority of the words, however I did not know the specific definitions for all of them.

2. Yes, many of these words have appeared in articles and journals that I have read in researching my topic and preparing to write the varying assignments in this class.

3. I use some of these words in my writing but could probably work on incorporating more of them.

4. In order to learn professional vocabulary, it is best to simply start using it and getting familiar with it.

29 March 2018

  • Credible articles, journals etc. Usually the library database for trusted journals. Also, the textbook is one of the most reliable sources within the courses.
  • In my personal life, I usually consult google, local news sources or social media. This is because the information is quick and easy to find.
  • If there were a huge power outage, I would still be capable of consulting the internet until my phone and computer battery died. Until the electricity came back on, I would be forced to consult books and talk to other people for information.

27 March 2018

  • Based on the information that I gathered and the audience I wished to reach, I payed attention to other videos made for children. The music and the way I talked needed to be upbeat. How I presented the information needed to be simplified compared to the way it was presented in my research report
  • I will site my sources at the end of the video
  • In order to create this project I needed to find solutions that children were capable of doing. Rather than using the solutions proposed in my research report, I gathered every day activities that everyone is capable of doing. For example, recycling, carpooling, and using energy efficient light bulbs and appliances. This video is for the viewing of children, they have completely different interests and capabilities compared to the scientists and researchers that might read my research report.

22 March 2018

1. Most videos are fast paced and rarely longer than 2-3 minutes. Also, the narrator spoke in a n up-beat voice and graphics were used to illustrate everything the narrator said. I noticed that videos that did not use these techniques were bland and it was hard for me to stay focused and interested.

2. In my video I will include causes, effects and possible solutions for climate change. The solutions will be things that children could easily do or have access to.

3. I will talk about the amount of people that recycle in the US and how much pollution (greenhouse gases) is actually produced by humans.

20 March 2018

  • Good Video : engaging, interesting, clever animation and graphics, not too long (3 minutes or less), provides valid and relevant information, upbeat
  • Bad Video: long, boring, off-topic, too many words, doesn't keep the viewer interested, the voice-over is deadpanned

In my video, I plan to cover the major causes and effects of climate change, as well as the actions that can be taken to reduce the advancement of this issue. Briefly covering, greenhouse gasses, health risks (humans and animals), and recycling, carpooling, etc. Because I am gearing this video towards children and younger people, I want to keep the video informational but not overly complex. It needs to be on the shorter side, with engaging pictures and graphics, and an upbeat voice over that keeps them excited to learn about this topic.

10 March 2018

  • Writing about a topic requires you to fully research and understand the topic from all points of view. Being given this new perspective may not change how you feel about the topic, however it might offer you greater insight on why other people may think the way they do.
  • Writing about a topic allows you to process your thoughts and ideas, and put them into an organized and meaningful process. This will then allow you to effectively speak about the topic because you already have a "script" in some ways. Your thoughts are organized which will eliminate the possibility of rambling.
  • Writing about a topic helps you remember it, because it requires your brain to not only process the information when researching, but process it several more times while planning, drafting, and developing it into thoughts of your own. It is said that writing something down is the same as reading it 7 times.

6 March 2018

  • Children in order to educate them early on the issues surrounding climate change and teach them habits to reduce the production and effects of greenhouse gasses. Parents and other adults that have the ability to enact change and encourage others, especially children, to do so.
  • I want my audience to feel informed about the issue and motivated to do their part in improving climate change
  • Think about their actions and how they affect the climate. What they can do to help
  • Provide reference to the reliable sources that I used, and not present a biased opinion but an educated and informed standpoint

Genre Recasting

  • video
  • ethos: motivational information
  • Logos: causes and effects of climate change, how personal actions can affect climate change
  • pathos:

1 March 2018

  • Good Peer Review: includes constructive criticism and suggestions in order to add to and improve the writing. It is not done in a rude or condescending manner.
  • These principles will help in other courses that involve writing, projects, etc. By learning how to successfully work with those around you and take "coaching", you allow yourself to further learn and grow as a writer, researcher and student. It also gives you an outside perspective on your writing and opinions.

27 February 2018

  • When revising the Annotated Bibliography, I had to ICE several quotes again in order to avoid simply restating them in the explanation. Instead I applied them to my argument in my research report and was able to successfully incorporate them. I also collected several more sources in order to further support my claims.
  • I am most concerned about the flow and cohesiveness of my claims/argument in my essay. I used the Rogerian Argument structure to outline my paragraphs, however, I still feel as thought they don't all fit together seamlessly.

20 February 2018

Tu: after 5pm

Wed: During break in classes (around 12pm)

Th: after 5pm

Fri: Break in classes (12pm)

Sat: All day

Sun: Evening

Mon: Break in classes (12pm)


15 February 2018

  • The abrupt and uncharacteristic conditions caused by climate change negatively effect the Earth's weather, plant life, and overall public health in humans.
  • According to my sources, climate change is mostly the result of human actions. The greatest gas of climate change is the "greenhouse effect" where gasses get trapped in the Earth's atmosphere warming the surface of the planet
  • Climate change, often referred to as global warming, obviously causes sudden an uncharacteristic rises, as well as drops, in temperature. Climate change has been linked to severe weather, various health issues and a drop in the economical standing of the agriculture industry. This issue effects the entire world population in all areas of life. Also, inhibiting the relationships between plants and pollinators as well as predator and prey.

13 February 2018

In the past, when presenting an argument I have been taught to state my argument and then provide 2-3 supports for that argument and then one support for an opposing viewpoint. This strategy does a good job of representing both sides, however, in writing this way, I feel I lose a lot of what I think and, instead, present mostly the thoughts of others.

6 February 2018

Helpful: A helpful peer review provides constructive criticism, offers solutions to problems and thoroughly examines the writing. It helps the author improve their writing skills.

Not Helpful: A peer review that is not helpful is one where the peer reviewer does not take the time to thoroughly read your work. A review that says everything is good is not helpful, because a draft is never perfect. A peer review should not been mean or rude. Tearing someone's writing apart does not help them nor does it improve the paper.

1 February Quiz

  • Using too many quotations prevents you from developing and communicating your own ideas. Quotes should be used to support your thoughts and not to reiterate the work of others.
  • However, if you do not use enough quotes, your claims lack support and it is hard for a reader to take your writing seriously. You are not considered credible.
  • You should use about 1-2 quotes per paragraph. "ICE" you're quotes to incorporate quotes well.

30 January Quiz

Finding better sources: When collecting sources, it is easier to determine the quality of a source when you have an organized account of all other sources. Often times, when you find one credible source, it is linked to or references other credible sources, allowing you to build upon the amount and quality of sources you collect.

Organizing Ideas: An annotated bibliography allows you to organize your ideas because it makes your sources accessible and easy to find. It also provides summaries and key points of these sources so that you as a researcher can keep track of your arguments and related support. Analyzing your sources is a good way to process you thoughts into words.

Creating Your Own POV: As you research you will be exposed to varying point of views and opinions on a particular topic. With this you will begin to develop your own educated opinions and ideas

25 January Quiz

  • What causes climate change and how can we improve this issue?

1. This question is interesting to me because the well-being of the Earth is important. We have an obligation to protect and improve the environment that we live in, as well as rectify issues that we caused.

2. This topic is one that is often spoken about in the public eye. However, many US citizens, as well as citizens of other countries, have little knowledge on the topic. It is necessary for people to educate themselves on such a prominent problem.

3. As previously stated this question needs to be answered:

    • Gain a better understanding of the "why" and "how" behind climate change
    • Educate the public on a highly discussed topic
    • encourage others to take steps to improve the situation

23 January Quiz

1. "Public health nurses and climate change." Environmental Health Perspectives, vol. 120, no. 3, 2012, p. A96. Expanded Academic ASAP, http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A284483421/EAIM?u=ucinc_main&sid=EAIM&xid=e059e9c6. Accessed 23 Jan. 2018.

3. While this is a .com website, the article provides information collected by nurses (professionals in the field) researching how global warming effects public health.

18 January Quiz

1. NASA's Jet Propulsion Labratory, Earth Science Communications Team. “Climate Change Causes: A Blanket around the Earth.” Edited by Holly Shaftel, NASA, NASA, 10 Aug. 2017, climate.nasa.gov/causes.

2. The topic I would like to research is Climate Change. This citation is credible because it is from NASA's site created by their Earth Sciences team. It also provides several other credible resources, including the outline for legislature on the topic and several scientists' papers focused on the study of climate change. A credible source is a source that originates from a relevant person or group of people, who have personally studied the topic/related topics or who use information from other credible sources to propel their own research and discoveries. This people must be educated in the field and have a sturdy background understanding of the topic.

11 January Quiz

  1. What topic are you interested in researching this semester?
    • During this semester I want to research climate change.
  2. What are you curious about learning in this topic?
    • Why does it occur? Can it be reversed or improved? How do we reduce the effects of climate change? How does climate change affect nature and the species within certain ecosystems? What health issues arise because of pollution, ever-changing weather, etc.?
  3. Why does this topic appeal to you?
    • I find this topic appealing because I have always been interested in the Earth, the environment, how our actions affect it, and what we can do to help or harm the world around us. I am working towards a career in the Medical field and, therefore, find myself wondering how our environment affects our overall health.

22 February 2018

According to Chatham-Carpenter, Seawel, and Raschig (2010), "Learning through reflection provides the students with a powerful, lifelong skill applicable to all facets of life." (p. 437). Therefore, educators should implement the use of reflections following assignments in order for their students to get the most out of learning and the classroom experience.