About Me

Hello! My name is Morgan McIntosh and I am a CCP student at UCBA. I am currently a senior at Clinton-Massie High School, and, odds are, you've probably never heard of it; which is completely normal. It's a small school located in the just-as-small town of Clarksville. Beginning next fall, I plan to major in Biological Sciences, and hope to later pursue a Medical Degree.

When not at school, I spend most of my time volunteering at Clinton Memorial Hospital or working. I work at a local gymnastics gym and teach several classes there throughout the week.

I enjoy art, movies, music and sports. I like to hike and spend time friends and family. If I have any free time, you can find me occupied by at least one of those activities. At my high school I am a member of the Cheer Squad and Softball Team as well as Student Council, NHS, and serve as Vice President of my class. I have previously run track and I participated in competitive gymnastics until about 3 years ago. I love to create works of art and have been sending my work to shows and competitions since the age of 15. Last year, one of my pieces was featured in the Congressional Art Show and won several awards. In the off chance my time is not already occupied, I either watch a movie, listen to music, or spend times with friends and family. I am a sucker for any superhero film or romantic comedy, and I am always looking for new music to listen to, so if you have suggestions feel free to let me know!

I come from a family of five, being the middle of three children. Yes, my friends, Middle Child Syndrome is definitely real.

I hope this helped you get to know me a little better; maybe even a little too well :)