Genre Recasting

For the video I created, my audience was children. There were times that I found it difficult to communicate all the necessary information to them because I was forced to only use words that they could comprehend easily. This somewhat limited my ability to convey the severity of the problem being discussed.

This was very different from writing an essay as we have previously done. This required a higher amount of creativity and ability to work with more than simply typing. It was more visual oriented than text. However, I still used a similar process to create this video as I would to write an essay. I planned out each of my points, and the support to go with them. Then I planned which pictures to include and when. Planning each slide was much like creating an outline for paragraphs. Planning the structure of the video like this was very helpful.

I chose this genre because I believed it would be the easiest way to speak about Climate Change. However, the deciding factor was my intended audience. Children do not want to read; they want easy, quick information. A video allows me to successfully express helpful information while easily keeping them focused and interested.