
I like the timing of the graphics and the narrations; they fit well together and make sense. I think this was done successfully. However, although I don't want this video to be too long I think it should be a little longer (at least 2 minutes). The information included is good, but could be elaborated upon and reworded. The narration needs to be re-recorded. It is challenging to to include enough information to make the video longer while also trying to avoid overwhelming the viewer with too much information at one time.

When speaking to children, I find myself having to reword a lot of what I would normally say and how I would normally speak. Kids need quick, easy-to-understand information; they do not want wordy and long explanations. I am going to try and add some music to make the video more upbeat and interesting. I wonder if this would get children to pay more attention or if it would cause them to become more distracted?

Based on my peer review, I am going to add in statistics to increase the amount of facts and credibility present in the video. This will also add length to the video and further interest the viewers.


After reviewing the rubric, I will add more text to go along with the voice over narration. I will include more information for the viewer, regarding the amounts of waste produced, how many people actually recycle, and how much air pollution in created by motor vehicles on a regular basis. I also need to include a works cited somewhere.