Key Concept 5: Online Teaching

5.1: Candidates will be able to develop an online facilitation plan based on best practices of online learning and teaching that demonstrates their ability to teach in the online environment.

In ET 631 we were tasked with creating an Online Facilitation Plan for an online learning experience with students or staff. I decided to focus on something that would be immediately useful for current students and would fill a current gap in my instruction for my AP Chemistry course. My Online Facilitation Plan outlined a fully online, 8 week long, review course for my AP Chemistry class. I have found that we do not have enough in class time to sufficiently review for the exam, and that time outside of school in which to meet in person together is severaly restricted due to our diverse locations and the often busy schedules of my artist-students. The online course I sketched out would combine synchronous and asynchronous sessions every week. Every week's structure would be similar in nature and follows the R2D2 model on course design to facilitate recalling prior knowledge, focused practice on identified problem areas, and shared practice with answering Free Response Questions.

Baskin Online Facilitation Plan