Key Concept 2: Instructional Design

2.1: Candidates will be able to apply instructional design models (e.g., Understanding by Design or DDD-E) to improve lesson design.

In ED 602 with Dr. Keane we were introduced to multiple instructional design models. While I had been introduced to Understanding by Design (UbD) a decade ago while at a previous school, the opportunity to reimagine my lessons through UbD now that we are implementing a new set of science standards (NGSS) that were created with UbD in mind was welcome. What I found is that the three legs of the Next Generation Science Standards, Disciplinary Core Ideas, Science and Engineering Practices, and Cross-Cutting Concepts, align with the various Stage 1 planning steps of UbD. The NGSS Performance Expectations are quite unlike other content area standards as they are written as transfer goals already in perfect alignment with UbD. Finally, Evidence Statements with very specific information around assessment expectations and boundaries have been published for NGSS whichaligns well to the Stage 2 planning steps for UbD. As I have been teaching for 15 years, I have moved away from writing detailed unit and lesson plans which made this assignment a nice exercise of going through the steps to see how my current teaching actually aligns with UbD principles. I can say that the work my science department has been doing the last few years to implement NGSS has fairly closely aligned with the UbD principles and that my reimagined UbD unit plan was very similar to what I already do in class, but did provide me with some new ideas.

Baskin UbD Template