Key Concept 11: Multimedia Production

11.1: Candidates will be able to create multimedia products that facilitate K-12 instructional and professional learning goals, and implement an instructional design model to facilitate multimedia production.

Multimedia Design

In ET 620 with Dr. Hunter we were asked to create a digital story for our content area using a combination of sounds, video and photos. While I had done some screencasting before, I had never taken any steps into more involved multimedia, or attempted to create anything beyond a basic "explainer" video. Being forced to think of my chemistry subject matter through a story telling lens was both challenging and rewarding.

After creating my own example of how a chemical reaction could tell a story, I developed a lesson around chemical reaction types that involved students researching one of a selection of reactions, creating a storyboard that demonstrated the correct chemistry as well as some aspect of the history or interest of the reaction, and then actually making a stop motion animation video of their story. The student feedback from doing this assignment was very positive and we will incorporate it again this year during the 4th quarter unit on reactions.

K-12 DS Project

Student Example #1

This was probably the best video that students created in terms of correct chemistry and production values.

Student Example #2

This is a more representative example that was off in terms of showing balanced reactants and products, as well as choppier production.

Utilizing Timeline Development Resources

Also in ET 620 with Dr. Hunter we were asked to create a lesson for our students using one of many different web based timeline developers and produce an example product. This was an especially challenging task for my subject area as the entire history of chemistry as a scientific subject is rather brief and we do not typically go into much historical detail. I focused on the development of the periodic table because it would allow the students to answer a common question they have, "Why does it look that way?" Due to the technology we already possess, and the comfort that our students possess with google drive from their English classes, I selected TimelineJS as a builder because of the ease of creating the entries in the Google Sheet template. I had several students test out the lesson below and streamline the instructions for me, but they did identify blocked media inside the school system wifi as a barrier to making something they felt was really engaging. While I did not have my classes this school year create their own timelines during the Periodic Table unit, I did create a lesson that used the sample timeline and a graphic organizer as a way to take notes on the history of the development of the Periodic Table.

Timeline Lesson